Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Simple question

Good morning /r/loseit

This may seem like a simple question, but alas I’m here because I can’t find a definite answer.

I’m down 40 lbs since I’ve started , which is great! However I’ve been doing 5 workouts a week, each day includes cardio for about 29 minutes with strength training of one particular section (arm day, leg day etc).

I’ve been using the app fitness point pro, it created me a workout plan for fat loss.

The workout plans are Day 1: random muscle work outs Day 2: stair climber Day 3: rest Day 4: random muscle workouts Day 5: stairclimber

So I guess what I’m asking is 1) is it better to remove cardio on strength training days and do them on their own days alone 2) should I train one muscle group per day or random Muscles each day like the program suggests.

Which method is better for weight loss? ive included a screenshot of the workout the app has provided for weight loss.

thanks guys!

submitted by /u/PapaCodes
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Fiance and I are trying to burn off together

I gained about 15 lbs over the winter after losing 19 over the summer. My fiance is at 251 right now, which is the most hes ever weighed in his life.

We tried Nutrisystem a few months back, but the moment after the 1st week he plateaued in progress. But! We still have all this nutrisystem food lying around, so I'm gonna start using it myself to help encourage him to eat it with me. And were both going to start using our dusty treadmill every day, and maybe giving our P90 tapes another try.

This may sound naive, but has Wiifit ever done anyone any favors as far as weight loss? I get excited about it for a week and always get bored before I can see any changes.

submitted by /u/robyngrayson
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Taking things up a notch! (87 days)

So we have 87 days until June first and I hope I am not the only one getting antsy!?

Now that I have got my snowball of weight loss rolling I am wanting to see more results! Like right meow!


Next week I am going to really get a closer eye on my calories AND my wife and I agreed to cut out soda completely!

I have always been ambitious with my goals but now that I have seen some progress I want more! So my plan is to get my calories much closer to my goals and keep up with my current changes (working out, eating less) and see if I can really kick my progress up a notch!

There are so many times when I am working out that I tell myself "Oh no! I can't finish...I can't do this....I am just gonna have an easy day" and then I remind myself that I CAN do this and I just have a little more before I am done. Those last 15 minutes of my workouts are always a challenge but I finish every day. It got me thinking that I am stronger than I give myself credit for sometimes and I can run farther, reach further, and go longer than I may believe.

So this next week I am gonna push myself to do just that!

What are you guys gonna do to take your progress up a notch?

OR (if you are already kicking butt) what are you gonna do this week to mix it up and challenge yourself?

submitted by /u/Kevatwork
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Getting burned out using MyFitnessPal

Back when I started this round of trying to lose weight, I was 226 pounds. As of my most recent weigh in, I am down to 209! I am very happy with my progress, and have pretty much been doing CICO, with very few workouts in between. I have been using MyFitnessPal to track calories for most of my time (there would be days I would forget to log, or just not log). As my weight loss has shown, I attribute this app to helping me alot during this time. However, I am at a point now though where I am not only getting really burned out using this app, but it is making me incredibly anxious. In my head it is really easy to track meals ahead of time and figure out what I am going to have. However, life never works out how you think it will play out in your head. Because I now have this hyper awareness about eating and drinking not healthy stuff, it not only ruins my enjoyment of those things, but it sends me into a spiral where I get so angry at myself from straying from my weight loss regimen and I end up in a depressive state. I did not experience this when I started out. I am not sure what is going on. Does anyone have any advice? I have been thinking about taking a break from using the app, but still trying ti eat well. Any thoughts?

submitted by /u/GreatAndPowerfulKoz
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I’m starting my journey and need advice

I’ve done this before - started a weight loss journey, lost 10 pounds and then quit it... but this time feels different. This time, I made the decision solely for me. I’m excited and invigorated to start this journey.

Now to my question: I’ve always been overweight - since as long as I can remember. As a 23 year old female, is it plausible to think that a 60-70 pound weight loss goal is realistic? I’m trying to get down to 160lbs because that’s the high weight for my height and I want to make sure I haven’t set myself a goal that isn’t attainable.

And, if you have any advice (workouts, favorite Celiac friendly meals, etc), drop it here! :)

submitted by /u/emilysberns
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Is losing weight fast unsafe/unsustainable for everybody?

Hi, I'm 34/m and at around 285lbs, I finally decided less than three weeks ago that I needed to lose weight. The thing with me though id I'm impatient when it comes to weight loss. Everywhere I look in terms of research I see people espousing slow gradual weight loss and avoiding extremes, but for me I can't handle it. I get discouraged easily and if I'm suffering on a diet and see my weight loss happening at a crawl, I immediately get discouraged.

What I'm doing, and what works for me, is something more severe. I'm eating about 1,000 to 1,600 calories a day, usually trending more towards the former than the latter. I'm also exercising regularly with visits to the gym and hour long walks and am planning on ramping up the walks to two or three hours. I give myself one day a week to eat whatever I want and other than that I adhere strictly to this. I'm losing between 0.5 to 1.5 pounds a day and am almost at 270lbs already. For me, any occasional hunger or cravings is offset by seeing dramatic results every day. It's way easier for me personally to make sacrifices if I get a daily payoff, rather than one happening at a much more incremental pace.

My fear though is that this is jeopardizing my health. So many places online say weight loss and calorie restrictions this dramatic aren't healthy or sustainable, but is that true for everyone or are there weird outliers? I occasionally am a little hungry or a little tired, but honestly, there are just as many days now where I feel like I have MORE energy than usual and I would say I go to bed satisfied from a hunger standpoint probably five out of seven days a week on average. I actually feel like it's getting easier to keep up this diet almost three weeks in, not harder.

So am I setting myself up for some kind of health problem or crash, or should I just continue with what's working? Has anyone else found sustainable success with a more drastic lifestyle change?

submitted by /u/ConcreteFireworks
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Winter is killing me!!

Hey all,

Hope everyone is doing fine. I guess this is like a rant/I need a motivation boost post...

I started my weight loss journey at the beginning of May last year. Started at 370 lbs (6’2 Male) and I managed to make my way to 118 lbs lost as of last week’s weigh in.

That being said, I could definitely have way more progress but I believe in indulging at least once a week. This winter though, has been absolutely brutal. The kiddo switched daycares so the whole family has gotten sick multiple times (including myself). I’ve been feeling the seasonal blues and all that makes me want to do is eat.. I haven’t gained any weight back so that’s a small victory and I’ve been losing just extremely small and slow...

I’m just finding it hard to stay focused... mainly on the diet (I do CICO, eat at a deficit and IF).

Anyways, I guess it feels good to type this out... I’ve been up since 3am because I broke my IF (I don’t usually eat dinner anymore) and I have a hard time sleeping now especially after eating pizza for an unnecessary dinner...

submitted by /u/zeFatManxx
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from loseit - Lose the Fat