Thursday, March 7, 2019

Healthy weight loss after anorexia

I made a few lifestyle changes after graduating college, more exercise, less processed foods. I gained a lot of weight in college (I’m in the 200’s now) after battling anorexia for years in high school. What I’ve been struggling with is that this is really the first time in my life I’ve lost weight in a healthy way. I’m happy, don’t get me wrong, but it’s weird to congratulate myself about it because at the same time, I don’t want to tip over into food restriction, I don’t want to become focused on it. I don’t know how many people have swung both directions with anorexia at a younger and unhealthy weight gain, but if there’s anyone one else on here, how are you keeping your mental health in check?

submitted by /u/Nurseherm5896
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Goal weight is still overweight? Is that okay?

Hi everyone. First of all I wanna say what a great subreddit this is I’ve been lurking for a while and finally decided to tag along on the weight loss gurney.

I’m a big girl have always been but over the last years definitely become even bigger and I’ve stayed away from scales for way to long, stepped on it yesterday and I’ve gone up to 300 lbs, which is very surprising to me and definitely an eye opening experience. My weight is evenly distributed around my body so I don’t look like I weigh 300 lbs but nonetheless I do and it’s time to change, cause I wanna be healthy for my future family (I’m 20 and around 5,8 tall)

However I was happy in my body when I was around the 210 lbs and I wanna go back to that since that’s my goal weight. I like being curvy and the look of my body at that size but I’m worried that it’s a “stupid goal” cause I’ll still be overweight. I’m kinda lost here.. am I the only one with a goal weight there’s still overweight?

submitted by /u/Guldblkk
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Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Today, I Bought A Bike-Desk

I have wanted one for ages and I finally committed!

This is my somewhat-extravagant reward for reaching my first mini-goal, both to reward myself for losing the first 10 pounds and to help me stay excited about the next 10. I bought an Exerpeutic ExerWork Adjustable Bike Desk earlier tonight and I am so excited for it to get here on Friday.

I tried to rig a cheaper DIY version of a cycle desk a few months ago as an impulse project with a set of standalone pedals (the super minimalist $20-ish kind), but that was a gigantic headache in terms of logistics with my current desk setup. I love the idea but just couldn't get it to work with the space/items I had available. The support bars on my desk were in all the wrong places, my knees knocked the bottom of the desk, my non-adjustable chair was at the wrong height, and overall, to make it really functional so I could use it while typing, I would have needed to buy a new desk and chair.... at which point I may as well just buy something made for this purpose.

Which is what I finally did today!

I'm not much of a multi-tasker in general, but cycling seems to be the exception. I used to have a normal recumbent bike (sans desk) at my previous house and I found it very easy to lose track of time while exercising if I turned on a podcast, audiobook or YouTube. When I'm absorbed in interesting work or reading, I can completely forget that I am cycling for an hour or more at a time, and my legs just keep going at a respectable pace on auto-pilot. I actually tend to gradually speed up when I'm the most involved in my work and slow down when I remember that I'm pedaling. If the pedals are there, I'll automatically use them. And unlike walking/jogging, cycling doesn't aggravate my bad knee.

I'm really excited to try this out.

Caveats, because I know someone out there in Internet Land is dying to reality-check me:

I don't expect to burn a huge number of calories doing this. This is meant to replace some of my "sitting still in a computer chair" time, not replace a high-intensity spin class or anything like that. This is more for my fitness and mental health goals than direct weight loss goals, although I expect a modest improvement there too.

They say that the best kind of exercise is the kind you will do consistently, and this is the kind that I'm very confident that I will do. I know that I feel much better when I move more, and that's the main benefit that I'm looking for -- a low-effort way to move continuously while I'm working without having to find extra time for exercise.

submitted by /u/BridgerDogs
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I can cross my legs all ladylike now!

Background: 5’0”. Lost 25lbs, now at 165lbs. 1200 cals, pescetarian diet (just a personal preference!) and 30 mins cardio 5x a week.

It’s just something I’ve noticed in the past few days. I have never been able to cross my legs like a lady and sort of resorted to crossing my legs with my calves/ankles over my knee, but I’ve been noticing I’ve been able to cross one knee over the other with ease and zero discomfort

I know it sounds so silly and mundane but as someone who wears mostly skirts, my mother would be proud!

I carry a lot of my weight on my thighs so I’m really guessing this is thanks to my weight loss? Correct me if there are other factors but this is definitely something I was never able to do before losing a fairly significant amount of weight! :)

submitted by /u/cherrysodahigh
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I just found out a lost 30 pounds in 30 days.

I tried out the whole 30 diet with my gf last month. If you don't know what it is its where i did not eat any grains,dairy, processed sugar, legumes, alcohol, juice, fried food for a month. I also avoided potatoes and limited my fruit intake, portion sizes and snacking for a month. The whole time I ate a lot of amazing meals but i never really felt full or satisfied and kinda felt tired. After 30 days i weight myself and i went from 287 to 257. I lost a pound a day. I am really happy lost way more then i ever thought i would.

But now i am wondering how to keep it going without being this hardcore. I don't need to lose weight this fast its not fun or healthy in the long term. But these hardcore rules seemed to be the trick that worked for me. if i lose all these rules I am scared I wont lose weight anymore and go back to bad habits. Any advice on the next step on my weight loss journey?

submitted by /u/chanaramil
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

[Daily Directory] Find your quests for the day here! - Thursday, 07 March 2019

Welcome adventurer! Whether you're new on this quest or are towards the end of your journey there should be something below for you.

Daily journal.

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Community bulletin board!

If you are new to the sub, click here for our posting guidelines

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Eating at Goal Weight Maintenance + Weight Loss Calculation Manifesto

Edit: to change the link to a public one!

Hello, beautiful LoseIt people! I am an avid lurker and infrequent poster in this sub, but I wanted to share a little bit of background about me as well as a tool I made to calculate your rate of weight loss. I am about 8 months into my weight loss journey (29 lbs down) as a 5’2” female. As the observant among you will notice, that is a rate of about 1 lb/week or 4 lbs/month. I have been really honing in on sustainability for this attempt at weight loss, and it has served me well. I have been sticking to an average of 1750 calories per day by eating 1500 calories for 5 days of the week and letting myself eat about 2200-2500 on Friday and Saturday. This has made my progress slow, but steady.

We all know that the smaller you get, the harder it is to lose. As I am kind of an Excel spreadsheet nerd, I created a sheet that calculates my monthly/daily calorie needs to lose 3, 4, or 5 lbs a month based on both a sedentary and lightly active TDEE. I also re-calculated these values every 20 lbs lost, to account for a lower TDEE at a lower weight. This has helped me to have realistic expectations about the rate of my weightloss. If anyone would like to see an example of my spreadsheet, you can find it here.

Today I got curious to know how long it would take me to get to 140 lbs if I ate at maintenance TDEE for a lightly active 5’2” female weighing 140 lbs. To calculate this, I took my current weight (189 lbs) and subtracted my predicted monthly loss ((Monthly TDEE at 200 lbs-Monthly TDEE at 140 lbs)/3500 calories per pound). I then used this to predict how long it would take me to lose weight assuming I ate what a 140 lb 5’2” female should eat to maintain. As mentioned above, I re-adjusted the formula to a new Monthly TDEE when the predictions reached 180 and 160 lbs, which as you can imagine really slowed down the rate of loss. If I ate at maintenance for a 140 lb 5’2” female, it would take me 2.5 years to reach 140! Seeing that made me realize what they say about the last 10 lbs taking forever is true. For reference, the last 10 lbs (150-140) would take me 11 months!

Of course, I realize that there are websites that claim to do this sort of calculation, but the first one that popped up after a quick Google search had a few flaws. First, I wanted to be able to set a calorie goal and then it would tell me how long it would take to lose the weight. This calculator would have you put in how long you wanted the weight loss to take and it would give you a recommended calorie intake. The second flaw from this website was that it did not take into account your shrinking TDEE as you lose weight. Clearly this will lead to you over-estimating how much you can eat, or under-estimating how long it will take to lose weight.

If anyone has any questions about the calculations or suggestions for how to make it easier to use/more accurate, please let me know!

Thanks for reading LoseIt, I hope it helps someone!

submitted by /u/lhrycyniak
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from loseit - Lose the Fat