Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Today, I Bought A Bike-Desk

I have wanted one for ages and I finally committed!

This is my somewhat-extravagant reward for reaching my first mini-goal, both to reward myself for losing the first 10 pounds and to help me stay excited about the next 10. I bought an Exerpeutic ExerWork Adjustable Bike Desk earlier tonight and I am so excited for it to get here on Friday.

I tried to rig a cheaper DIY version of a cycle desk a few months ago as an impulse project with a set of standalone pedals (the super minimalist $20-ish kind), but that was a gigantic headache in terms of logistics with my current desk setup. I love the idea but just couldn't get it to work with the space/items I had available. The support bars on my desk were in all the wrong places, my knees knocked the bottom of the desk, my non-adjustable chair was at the wrong height, and overall, to make it really functional so I could use it while typing, I would have needed to buy a new desk and chair.... at which point I may as well just buy something made for this purpose.

Which is what I finally did today!

I'm not much of a multi-tasker in general, but cycling seems to be the exception. I used to have a normal recumbent bike (sans desk) at my previous house and I found it very easy to lose track of time while exercising if I turned on a podcast, audiobook or YouTube. When I'm absorbed in interesting work or reading, I can completely forget that I am cycling for an hour or more at a time, and my legs just keep going at a respectable pace on auto-pilot. I actually tend to gradually speed up when I'm the most involved in my work and slow down when I remember that I'm pedaling. If the pedals are there, I'll automatically use them. And unlike walking/jogging, cycling doesn't aggravate my bad knee.

I'm really excited to try this out.

Caveats, because I know someone out there in Internet Land is dying to reality-check me:

I don't expect to burn a huge number of calories doing this. This is meant to replace some of my "sitting still in a computer chair" time, not replace a high-intensity spin class or anything like that. This is more for my fitness and mental health goals than direct weight loss goals, although I expect a modest improvement there too.

They say that the best kind of exercise is the kind you will do consistently, and this is the kind that I'm very confident that I will do. I know that I feel much better when I move more, and that's the main benefit that I'm looking for -- a low-effort way to move continuously while I'm working without having to find extra time for exercise.

submitted by /u/BridgerDogs
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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