Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Eating at Goal Weight Maintenance + Weight Loss Calculation Manifesto

Edit: to change the link to a public one!

Hello, beautiful LoseIt people! I am an avid lurker and infrequent poster in this sub, but I wanted to share a little bit of background about me as well as a tool I made to calculate your rate of weight loss. I am about 8 months into my weight loss journey (29 lbs down) as a 5’2” female. As the observant among you will notice, that is a rate of about 1 lb/week or 4 lbs/month. I have been really honing in on sustainability for this attempt at weight loss, and it has served me well. I have been sticking to an average of 1750 calories per day by eating 1500 calories for 5 days of the week and letting myself eat about 2200-2500 on Friday and Saturday. This has made my progress slow, but steady.

We all know that the smaller you get, the harder it is to lose. As I am kind of an Excel spreadsheet nerd, I created a sheet that calculates my monthly/daily calorie needs to lose 3, 4, or 5 lbs a month based on both a sedentary and lightly active TDEE. I also re-calculated these values every 20 lbs lost, to account for a lower TDEE at a lower weight. This has helped me to have realistic expectations about the rate of my weightloss. If anyone would like to see an example of my spreadsheet, you can find it here.

Today I got curious to know how long it would take me to get to 140 lbs if I ate at maintenance TDEE for a lightly active 5’2” female weighing 140 lbs. To calculate this, I took my current weight (189 lbs) and subtracted my predicted monthly loss ((Monthly TDEE at 200 lbs-Monthly TDEE at 140 lbs)/3500 calories per pound). I then used this to predict how long it would take me to lose weight assuming I ate what a 140 lb 5’2” female should eat to maintain. As mentioned above, I re-adjusted the formula to a new Monthly TDEE when the predictions reached 180 and 160 lbs, which as you can imagine really slowed down the rate of loss. If I ate at maintenance for a 140 lb 5’2” female, it would take me 2.5 years to reach 140! Seeing that made me realize what they say about the last 10 lbs taking forever is true. For reference, the last 10 lbs (150-140) would take me 11 months!

Of course, I realize that there are websites that claim to do this sort of calculation, but the first one that popped up after a quick Google search had a few flaws. First, I wanted to be able to set a calorie goal and then it would tell me how long it would take to lose the weight. This calculator would have you put in how long you wanted the weight loss to take and it would give you a recommended calorie intake. The second flaw from this website was that it did not take into account your shrinking TDEE as you lose weight. Clearly this will lead to you over-estimating how much you can eat, or under-estimating how long it will take to lose weight.

If anyone has any questions about the calculations or suggestions for how to make it easier to use/more accurate, please let me know!

Thanks for reading LoseIt, I hope it helps someone!

submitted by /u/lhrycyniak
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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