Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Changes in external genitalia (39F) due to weight loss?

Mods, feel free to remove if this is an inappropriate topic.

Ok losers, I need a reality check. I'm down about 80 lbs. in the past two years, and of course that's caused a lot of changes in my 39-year-old body (not all of them for the better: hello, bingo wings!). I'm seeing a lot of loose skin, etc., but I'm not terribly upset by it. Spanx and sleeves cover the worst of it, and I'm not particularly vain about looking good naked. Recently, though, I've noticed a really irritating change in my lady parts, and I'm wondering if it's due to the weight loss, aging, or a combination of both. I'm also hoping for some support and maybe some recommendations about how to deal with the clappy flappies. ;)

Warning: specific details about female genitals to follow.

I've noticed that my labia majora have, for lack of a better term, deflated quite a bit. I used to be an "innie," with small inner labia and the entire mons area closed. Lately, my outer labia tend to gape open, especially when I'm wearing looser pants or skirts and regular cotton briefs. It doesn't seem to be a problem when I'm wearing Spanx or workout clothes, but I'd like to have the option of wearing looser undergarments on occasion. Even more irritating, it seems like my outer labia will sometimes get "tucked in" or "folded under" when I'm running, and that can be a little painful. It's not causing any health problems yet, but I worry that it might in the future if I don't figure out a solution. My inner labia have not changed and don't protrude beyond the outer labia, but they're getting a lot more air these days because my outer labia no longer stay closed. I haven't noticed any dryness or discharge; it's honestly just aggravating and I'm paranoid that somehow somebody might notice.

I can't imagine that there are any toning exercises I can do to target that area, but I'm open to suggestion. Pilates, maybe? Tighten up the lower abs and maybe pull everything down there a little tighter? Inner thigh exercises? Does anyone have any underwear/activewear recommendations that would keep everything contained but still be breathable?

Mostly, I'm hoping some of y'all will chime in with "OMG, it happened to me too! It's totally normal and not because you're just becoming a saggy old woman, and it will definitely get better over time!" Or at least reassure me that it's not as gross and embarrassing as I think it is.

submitted by /u/clovenpine
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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