Monday, October 5, 2020

Portion control, portion control, portion control

Hi guys. I decided to invest in a food scale and some measuring cups and spoons for food preparation. I wanted to be as accurate as possible with my calorie tracking.. I've been eye balling my portions all these days and today with my new utensils I decided to just randomly check some food items I regularly consume, especially things like pb which I consume daily in my oats. Oh man didn't I get the shock of my life! I think I would have easily been off by at least 100-200 calories by just eye balling the quantities. No wonder I gained 10 pounds 😂

This post is just a reminder to everyone on their weight loss journey to be as accurate as possible with their calorie tracking. If you're unsure how much you're consuming, invest in measuring cups/ spoons and a food scale. It's seriously worth it. Now that I have cut out extra calories, I shall report back in a few weeks on my weight loss progress.

submitted by /u/yako678
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Update post

Hello everyone! My starting weight in June was 430 pounds and even after a couple of days where I ate things I shouldn’t, and a back problem that abruptly put an end to almost all exercise for the time being, I weighed myself this morning and found that I have dropped below 400 pounds for the first time in 6 years! I am now at 394.2, and I can actually see the difference in my face in the mirror! Seeing the numbers go down steadily has really gotten me excited to keep it up, and today’s weigh in has made me even more determined to get to a healthy weight. For now the weight loss is to be maintained with what I eat and how much of it I eat, and I’m currently looking for exercise that I can do that won’t hurt my back while I wait for my doctors to get their collective butts in gear and decide if they will be conservative or aggressive (my money is on conservative even though once a disc is herniated it’s going to herniate over and over until it ruptures.)

I really appreciate all of the encouragement I’ve received on my last two posts, and I wanted to make sure to say thank you for all the nice and encouraging things everyone has said!

submitted by /u/Hawksinger
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Gained 50 pounds in a matter of 5 months.

I have struggled with weight loss my entire life. Finally in 2012 decided to take it by the horns and lose weight. It took me 2 years but I went from 290 to 170. I was so proud of myself.

Fast forward, Dec. 2019 my mom gets diagnosed with cancer and I quit my job and move home to take care of her. The whole journey was so mentally debilitating and THEN the pandemic hit. Before I knew it, I wasn't fitting into any of my clothes but continued to binge because it was the only thing that I felt good doing. Finally decided to weigh myself and cried and cried. I gained 50 pounds in a matter of months. I was completely out of control. I've been dieting and working out really hard the past month and although the number hasn't moved, I feel a little bit better. I am just so, so depressed I have SUCH a long journey ahead of me that only took me 5 month to completely undo. I'm angry at myself. I'm going back to NYC to get things from my apartment and see friends and I am huge now. I feel so terrible. I just wanted to share on here. You guys have given me support the past month. And in 2012. Thank you.

submitted by /u/cyaaaaaLater
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

20 Pound weight loss transformation so far despite PCOS


Hi guys so with PCOS it is a hormonal disorder that affects some women with a lot of negative side effects one of them being struggling to lose weight regardless of CICO. Its been really hard I've had to experiment a lot with my diet to see what would work and so far the best thing for my PCOS has been: cutting out all dairy, cutting out all meat, cutting out mostly processed foods, and limiting my sugar (i have reduced it by 70%). However I still sometimes eat cheese or meat or processed foods, sugar but I only eat like that maybe 10% of the time. So yah this 20 pound weight loss has been so exciting to me after struggling with trying to lose weight for almost a year, when i started eating more cleanly, the weight almost seemed to melt off :) I just hope that I can continue to lose the rest, anyways heres my progress so far!!

submitted by /u/depression_butterfly
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Scared to Start, Need Tips and Help (19, M, 185 lbs, 5 '4)

Hi everyone. I've been obese for a good part of my life, and am now in college and looking to change myself completely. I'm honestly just sick and tired of being obese and all the side effects that come with it.

I am a college student, so it's hard juggling both weight loss and academics, but I'm ready to make a commitment to becoming healthy weight now (~145 lbs).

Could you please give me tips, words of encouragement, and helpful advice on how to start my journey and persist throughout it.

Honestly, I'm also scared about loose skin. I have bulging/sagging fat around by breasts and side belly, and I'm scared for the outcome with loose skin. Do you think I will get loose skin given my age, and weight loss goal? I really hope I don't, but how do I cope with the stigma of getting it? Are there any stretches or exercises I should do, daily, to help me limit my chance of getting loose skin?

Also, are there any effective, quick/fast, exercises I should do, daily, for weight loss (so I can do them during short school work breaks)?

Im honestly really scared for my journey and would like any support.

Edit: Another thought that came up, when in my timeline should I start focusing on weight lifting/ weight training? I heard that usually builds skin strength too, but heard of people who when too late into weight training and had to go on another journey to build back muscle. Should I just focus on losing weight down to my goal first? Or can I also start thinking about body toning in a while?

submitted by /u/kawidlique
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Am I doing this whole weight loss thing right?

Hello everyone. I am a 21 year old female, currently weighing 141 lb. My goal weight is 135 lb. I’m 5 feet, 5.5 inches. I used to way 157 lb. my idea is that first I’ll lose the weight, then I’ll exercise and put on some muscle. (Previously I tried losing fat and gaining muscle at the same time but it’s just wayyy to hard for me.)

The first ten pounds (from 157 lb to ~146 lb) melted off pretty easy tbh. I did intermittent fasting (16:8). Just watched how many calories I ate and light exercise. It was very easy to lose those 10 lbs. I think I lost them in 6 months.

Since then I’ve been having a very very hard time losing the extra 11 lbs. in fact, I made a post earlier asking for advice on how to lose the extra weight on this subreddit. Thinking about this more and Taking some people’s advice, I decided I need to further reduce my calories.

I went from eating about 1400 calories to about 1200 calories. And I stopped exercising. And it worked! I lost 3 lbs in 1 month.

But I’m always hungry. I’m tired. I’m frustrated from my lack of calories. I’m really happy I lost 3 lbs in a month, but idk if I’m losing this weight the right way. It’s hard to focus in class because I’m just too hungry.

I want to lose more weight, but I just don’t want to deal with this awful hunger, fatigue, and frustration. I want to lose this weight relatively quickly so I can gain muscle.

What should I do? Just suck it up and continue eating 1200 calories?

submitted by /u/here_4_cat_memes
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I can’t eat healthy - I keep messing up. Hard to stick to deficit. Advice?

I thought it would be easy to stick to a calorie deficit but I’m realizing it’s a lot harder than I realized. I didn’t count things such as the oil that I cook my food with or the tomato sauce I add to my food or things like that.

It’s so frustrating having to count everything and it’s draining having to be mindful of everything I put into my mouth. I’ll be honest, I don’t know how you all do it.

I just find it so hard to stick to clean eating. I personally don’t think my eating habits are the worst - I don’t drink sugary drinks (literally just water 95% of the time) or coffee, I never eat out. But I do snack a lot and have large portions during my meals.

It’s just frustrating to look at the scale and see the same number I was two months ago. I’m not dropping and i just know that being strict with myself just makes me lose motivation. And then I end up binging.

How strict were you for weight loss? I am trying to lose 60lbs. and I can’t seem to drop a single pound. I didn’t realize how strict I needed to be just to lose weight

submitted by /u/betaluv
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from loseit - Lose the Fat