Thursday, January 23, 2020

Erectile Dysfunction during weight loss??

Hey everyone,

I struggled on where to post this but figured this was the best place.

I’m doing great and losing weight since the first of the year. 35/m 5’11”. Started at 254, down to 240ish. Just doing a low calorie diet and an hour of cardio a day. No frills, just sticking to it. I’m being aggressive right now. I have a long plane ride approaching and want to fit in the seat more comfortably!!

One not so good side effect has been some mild erectile dysfunction! I can still achieve erection and orgasm but it feels like it takes more effort than it used too. The erections are also softer.

My testosterone has been on the lower side, but not low enough to consider treatment. Plus, I’ve been obese for the past few years which I understand lowers testosterone anyway.

My thought is that I’m running on so few calories that my body isn’t wanting to expend energy on erections. Or maybe my testosterone has dipped more due to the low calorie intake and so much cardio. I am still very sexually interested, no diminishment there.

Anyone have any light on the subject?

submitted by /u/Conchguy
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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