Monday, January 13, 2020

Finding I've lost weight hard to believe

Hey everyone, first time on the subreddit.

I've lost, so far, 92lbs (6"1' male, gone from 301 to 209), I've got about 27lbs to go before I hit my target.

The obvious factors, such as smaller clothes fitting better and not being so tired and sweaty all the time, are there. On paper, I can see how far I've come. But despite this, I still sometimes have a hard time believing it. I'm used to comparing myself to others because I'd get relief in not being the biggest person in the room on the occasions it would happen. A little self centered, I know, but I used to be like "well, they're bigger than me, so it's not that bad", it was a denial tactic. But now that I'm approaching a healthier weight, I still find myself comparing my weight and size to others. And rather than concluding that I'm reaching a healthier weight and other people have realistically stayed their consistent weight, when I see more and more people that are at or slightly above my current weight, I have to fight off the "they must have gained weight now that they're bigger than me" thoughts I used to use a denial/comfort effect when I was larger.

My question is, is this something you've been through as well? I was always so used to being the biggest person nearly everywhere I went than, rather than praise myself for what I've achieved so far, I almost push it away. Do other people have a hard time accepting their weight loss, as if they feel they don't deserve it or aren't used to it? How do you get past it?

submitted by /u/Tydecon
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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