Friday, January 3, 2020

I feel like I have lost all progress over the holidays. How do I get motivated again? (Help!)

I'm really short so it doesn't take much weight loss/gain to make a visible difference.

I had worked really hard and consistently for months and dropped 15lbs and was so proud of myself. I have never been overweight but was unfit and unhealthy. After the weight loss I felt good in my body for the first time in a long time and was really happy with my progress.

At 5'2" the visible difference from 121lbs to 105lbs was staggering. I am not all that interested in losing much more weight but I am concerned about losing momentum and gaining back.

I was in really good habits with daily exercise and portion control but this has flown out the window over the holidays.

I feel like I have lost all momentum and have fallen back into bad exercise and eating habits. I don't think I have gained much back yet (at most 2-4lbs) but I am concerned that I have fallen out of my good habits and am going to undo all of my hard work.

What do you do to motivate yourself again?

submitted by /u/DrDiagnonsense
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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