Friday, January 24, 2020

I have knowledge, discipline and experience, but struggle with motivation.


Just wondering what's someone else's take on such situation:

  • I suffer from BED (Binge-eating Disorder)
  • I have the knowledge about healthy eating, nutrients, composing a proper diet, selecting and tailoring a workout routine. It's my area of interest, time is spent on reading articles and studies and forming a conclusion.
  • No problems with discipline in regards to meal prepping, exercising (4x week, free weights), following a diet no matter how strict (actually the stricter the diet, the easier it is for me), counting calories and weighting myself. I even track my binges and record bodyweight next day morning.
  • I have the experience and know what works for me, in the past I've lost 50% of BW.

However, I really struggle with the motivation. I want to lose 10-12kg gained because of BED. This additional weight makes my body look worse and negatively affects my mental health. It sabotages my weight training. I'm not happy with this weight. It's a non-negotiable, I really want to control BED and then cut this fat, but at the same time I'm like...why? Why do even bother? For what reason?

It's like wanting to do something but not caring about it at all at the same time. 98% of weight loss advice agrees that internal motivation is THE best motivation for losing weight, but you should rather focus on discipline and habits as they keep you going. It's like the opposite for me, discipline, habits, routines come easy and naturally, but with no source of motivation I see no reason to follow them. I want to do it, but then, why should I do it?

It's like a fireplace full of wood, but missing a spark to ignite it.

I meet a psycho-dietetics specialist, but it's been a single, introductory visit so far and it would be interesting to get some other perspective.

submitted by /u/Ohnoes_in_distress
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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