Sunday, January 19, 2020

I hit 50 lbs lost today (female, 5'3, sw 290, cw 240)

I cant believe I did it! It's been such a wild learning experience for me and I'd love to share some of the things I've realized along the way. I started at the end of August by slowly taking things out of my diet that werent too hard to go without. soda and fast food were first, no more McDonald's and especially no more beer or energy drinks. then September came around and it was easier to take away more carbs. no more bread or potatoes, that was hard. after about three weeks it became easier, and I took out more and more carbs and this time all sugar as well. No more sweet coffees in the morning, no more candy at night (I still struggle with late night candy craves) no more flour of any kind, even a lot of vegetables I cant have, no fruits except strawberries. Now I eat a diet very similar to keto, or Atkins. It's so so important to count your macros (calories carbs fiber ect) and for my diet, I take carbs - fiber (net carbs) ÷ five. this gives me the number of teaspoons of sugar in my food. I know its confusing but stay with me. carbs digest a lot like sugar in our bodies from what I understand, and if you want to lose weight, you need to stay under 10 to 15 teaspoons of sugar a day. so let's say my snacks nutritional info has 30 grams of carbs, with 5 grams of fiber. that means my snack has 25 net carbs, or 5 teaspoons of sugar. I also stay under 1000 calories a day. it's hard at first to get the formula down, but this was taught to me by my doctor and its the only thing that has ever worked for me. Now there are two VERY important rules to this diet that I have to follow. the first one is that you have to have 1 or less teaspoons of sugar for breakfast every morning. super important!!! if you start your day off with more, your body wont burn fat like its supposed to, so eggs are amazing as long as you be careful what you add to them or on them, protien is wonderful like bacon and steak and some sausages. which brings me to rule number two: you HAVE to have enough protein and water, or else you wont lose the weight. your scale might go down, but you wont lose the weight. I was told to take my goal weight (150) and divide it by 2 which gives me the number of grams of protein to eat a day (75) usually split up between 4 different times during a day. I cant live within my protein shakes, I'd never hit my numbers without them! But that's all I have to do to be successful! Count my numbers and stay away from carbs and sugars. Some days I feel like its a piece of cake and i got this, other days i cry because all i want to do is eat a piece of cake. But I plan on losing another 75 pounds before I shift into maintenance mode, so I'm really excited to see what else I can learn in this crazy journey to help me reach my goal and STAY THERE! Please feel free to give me any and all advice you may have, or reach out with any questions or concerns! Thank you for listening and helping me enjoy my success, I hope it can help you guys with whatever chapter you are at in your weight loss journey! Oh, and here's a before and after picture!

submitted by /u/douknodawae1
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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