Thursday, January 23, 2020

It’s finally me losing the weight!

I (F23) started this out at 207 (14st11) and have just hit 198! In so close to hitting a stone in weight loss and it’s dawned on me that I’ve wanted to be here, to be this person for so long!

I can’t tell you how many weight loss things I follow and multiple different platforms just to find that inspiration, to find what it would be that would push me and motivate me to get going!

I kept seeing ‘omg I’ve lost x in x weeks’ or ‘I’ve finally hit my target weight’ and whilst I’m so happy for anyone and everyone that starts this journey and gets to where they want to be, there was always a little prang of jealousy that I wouldn’t have my moment.

I can finally be the person to say I have lost 9lbs in 21 days and there is no stopping me!

A piece of advice for all those in my position, literally just do it, it won’t be easy but once you see the scales going down consistently you’re gonna wish you’d started sooner!

submitted by /u/Rhiannonw1
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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