Friday, January 3, 2020

My fat friends gaslight my decisions to be healthy by saying I am "fatphobic"

I am a 31-year-old Asian woman who lost around 80 pounds in the last 1.5 years after a doctor's visit revealed I had high cholesterol, borderline high blood pressure, and was in danger of becoming diabetic. I am no longer in the 'obese' range and am inching closer to regaining a normal BMI. More importantly, my cholesterol has improved (though I am not in the "healthy" zone) and my blood sugar is normal. To do this, I made drastic changes to my lifestyle - cut down my calories due to sugar and junk food, went to therapy to help distract me from food, and started going to the gym. When I say drastic, they were drastic to me. I could never dream of not drinking at least two sodas a day.

The problem is that all my friends are fellow fat people like me and have similar lifestyles to what I had and very unhealthy relationships with food. I know because I was (still am) one of them and am working hard through my issues. The last year has taken a toll on my friendships to the extent that they make me feel like shit about my weight loss. I have barely spoken about my journey with them, in fact, I go through great pains not to, but these are my only friends and it is hard not to talk about (at all) major lifestyle changes. When we go out and I suggest a non-junk food place (not expensive) to eat they roll their eyes and make a comment about how "hippie" I am. If I choose clear alcohol instead of my usual soda-alcohol mix, they sneer and make a comment about "oooh, x is trying to save calories". If I comment that I can now deadlift a 100-pound weight, they say that they're not interested in lame topics. I finally lost it a while back and snapped back at a friend when she said that having a "weight goal" was " fat phobic" and that there was nothing wrong being fat. I said that my decision was purely health-driven, and it wasn't my problem if she didn't give a fuck about hers. (yes I know, I was an asshole). I'm not sure how to save my relationships with these people who I love when it feels like every action I take they interpret as an attack on them. I just don't know how to get them to stop commenting on my choices.

submitted by /u/nanon_2
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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