Wednesday, January 1, 2020

My Weeks of Weight Loss

Well, to start this off i'm going to be blunt. I am severely overweight. I Just turned 16 and I weight 259 pounds of fat and sadness. due to never eating healthy foods even though my parents do make healthy food most of the time I eat WAY to much of it. I have a weird ability to cut out anything i want out of my life and not need it [relating to food/other things like games and the such.] I had just been cutting out the good foods i need, and today I have started my journey to Finally become fit/healthier. weighed my self today and i am 259.8 LB's. By the end of the month I am hoping to drop about 5/6 pounds at least. So wish me good luck guys i'm cutting out all artificial sugars and such and only eating natural stuff to get i such as fruits.

1 week in update

Ok, it has been 1 week into not eating sugar, and it has been a little difficult. I had a few struggles at breakfast because my parent would keep making hi-carb/full of sugar aka cinnamon rolls, biscuits, E.T.C. I got through it while making 2 eggs with a scallion and red bell peppers. This is also on the fact that I am sick Right now, so it is even harder for me to not eat sugar, but I am going to keep strong through Christmas. I was at 259 last week, I am now 252. It said 250 but i put 2 pounds on for water weight and fluctuation. In that Week I ate NO sugar based things except 1 apple and a few oranges. thanks for all the support and please wish me luck in my journey!

2 weeks in update

Hi guys, this is my second week without sugar update! Well over Christmas I avoided 95 percent of the dishes they made cutting my sugar to zero. On Christmas I Kinda cheated and had some sweets since it was Christmas day and a special accusation which is fine. dropped from 252 to 250, this was after eating so weighing a decent sized breakfast so it will be more clear next week.

Wish me luck guys! And remember IT IS FINE TO EAT A SMALL AMOUNT OF SWEETS ON HOLIDAYS/SPECIAL ACCUSATIONS just don't go over board.

Sorry for bad formatting/spelling I'm still pretty new to reddit! Wish me luck and I will answer any questions in the replies!

submitted by /u/CManBee
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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