Saturday, February 15, 2020

11lbs down and feeling discouraged

Hi all,

Edit: progress photos here >

New to Reddit and never posted before - so please excuse the fact I mostly have no idea about the right way to post here. Anyway, I’m here because in my previous job, I gained 6kgs/13lbs in a few short months due to daily eating of fried and fast foods, combined with no exercise. I went from 132lbs to 145lbs and hated myself for it. Come the end of the year and I’d had enough of feeling like crap, and committed to working for the body I wanted.

November 30th I began logging my eating seriously. 1250cals a day, still no exercise. I began to drop weight (what felt like) slowly but consistently, and that alone gave me even more motivation to keep going. In January I reached 136lbs, and decided I wanted to ramp things up a bit, so I began doing short HIIT workouts at home 2-3 times a week, and road cycling. I then rejoined the gym and continued to workout more regularly.

Anyway, to cut my rambling short - I’m now at 134lbs, going to the gym 3-5 times a week, incorporating both cardio and weight training, and am eating between 1100-1250 cals a day (I don’t feel deprived, I’m no hungrier than when I ate triple that and I feel good for it, too as I’m eating nutritious, healthy foods). I feel like my weight loss has come to a screeching halt - I’ve only lost 2lbs since the 6th of Jan and it’s really beginning to mess with my head seeing as I’m working harder than ever to achieve my goals. I guess what I’m asking is - what am I doing wrong? Does anybody have any ideas on what I can change/incorporate into my journey to help things along? Am I just being impatient? I feel so discouraged - I am determined to lean out and gone up but it’s starting to feel more and more unattainable as the days go by. Thanks in advance guys - and apologies for the long, probably incorrect post!

Note: I am not basing my results only off of the scale, I have also been taking measurements and progress photos. I would post the photos as I would love a fresh set of eyes to give an opinion, but I have no idea how to get them on here haha

submitted by /u/itsaanya
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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