Sunday, February 2, 2020

Advice on starting?

first time posting here on reddit (and english isn't me first language so bear with me), but -- i just found this subreddit and it's really motivating me to try and lose weight again, because I've been really unhappy with it lately but i feel lost on where to start and how to continue and think i could do withsome advice

For a bit of background, I'm 18F (still living at home, so i don't do my own shopping and my mother would react... negatively if i tried to again) and around 200lbs/91kg rn, i gained around 40lbs/19kg since December 2018 due to medication i'm still on that increases my appetite and it's just frustrating to deal with.

After a disordered eating episode that went on for about 9 months around 2017 i kind of gave up weightloss for a while bc i was scared of falling back into those bad habits of self-loathing and and barely allowing myself to eat.

But ever since i've been on medication and gone to therapy I've been better on that front, but the weight gain from the medication is really bugging me and i want to try and (healthily) lose it.

I have a horrible relationship with exercise, almost all of it is in one way or another connect to shame, being hummilated, failing, all that stuff bc i have horrible coordination and have always been terrible at sports.

Does anyone have any advice on healthy weight loss with that history, and especially with how to deal the increased appetite due to anti-deppressants?

Thank you in advance! I shall continue scrolling through this subreddit for now bc seeing everyone make progress is hugely motivating.

submitted by /u/berry-blonde
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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