Sunday, February 2, 2020

Any other ladies out there experiencing more extreme hormonal water retention as they get closer to goal weight?

I’ve had the perfect storm of ‘life messing with my weigh-ins’ this week.

Last Sunday I was at 115.6, then I had 3 days of driving, not exercising and eating (grandma’s 100th birthday).

Of course I wake up on Wednesday morning to 119.2, and by midday Aunt Flo has turned up too.

Obviously I know that eating buffet food causes water retention, as do hormones - but over the past 15 months of weight loss, the biggest water retention weight spike I’ve seen has been about 1.5lbs.

I know that compared to some people, 1.5 - 3.5lbs of water retention is hardly anything, but it is an unusual increase for me.

Is there something about being smaller overall which means we need to retain more water than we did when we were bigger?

Is this something I’m going to have to get used to every month? Or is it just an anomaly brought on by eating salted peanuts, hotel breakfasts, and cake, while sitting on my arse, and being pre-menstrual?

submitted by /u/ladyapocryphal
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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