Thursday, February 6, 2020

Anyone else find it harder to enjoy food after a certain point in their weight loss journey?

Long story short, I (23F) put on some depression pounds during college and made the decision to finally get my shit together after graduating. (HW: 161, CW: 135, GW: ?, and I am 5’4. ) I am now the lowest weight I’ve been in my adult life, but usually maintained around 145ish prior to the aforementioned depressive episode. Previously, I ate and drank anything I wanted to without a thought and only when I was actually hungry, and it was eye opening to see the calorie counts of lots of things I was eating regularly. I cleaned up my act, and am eating way cleaner than I was before but now it seems harder to eat more intuitively and I’m thinking about my next meal often. I was a bit of an emotional eater/drinker before but have successfully put an end to that thus far, but it’s a struggle at times. Also, it’s so much harder to enjoy any kind of treats when I know I’m going to have to log it later and I get anxious about not knowing the exact counts in things. Even during my birthday celebrations last week I couldn’t help but get down on myself for overindulging a bit. I legitimately don’t understand how people can truly eat intuitively and remain slim and it really puts my anxiety levels through the roof sometimes. Anyone have any advice/words of wisdom and/or solidarity? Thanks for reading.

submitted by /u/heavymetalhunnie
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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