Monday, February 3, 2020

I think my mother is finally starting to take her own weight seriously

Been following this sub for a while. commented on a few things, but this is my first post. Since this past April, I've lost about 55 lbs. Started around 250, now hovering around 195. Just budgeting and getting more steps in. I'm fortunate enough that anyone who's said anything about my progress has been only been amazed and/or supportive. My only "issue" has been my mother. It seemed any time I hit a milestone, or talked with someone about weight loss, she had to mention any one of a slew of reasons she either couldn't lose, or was gaining. I get that it's harder for her. All her medical issues are perfectly valid. But every one of her reasons felt a little more tired when she'd get seconds every dinner, then a snack an hour later. I had to stop myself from saying something hurtful the last few times someone told me "you've lost so much weight," and she jumped in with "I found it." I knew it wouldn't help anything, but I was getting sick of the pity party while she was sabotaging herself.

But lately I've noticed her taking little steps to improve. Smaller portions at restaurants. Opting for unsweet tea and splenda, rather than sweet tea or soda. Or when she does get soda, it's just a few sips and she tosses the rest (next time I need to ask her if she just wants to fill the cup halfway). Then this afternoon, she asked me what app I was using to track my calories (Lose It!). And this evening she asked about connecting it to a fitbit or setting it up with other trackers on her phone. Is it too early to hope this isn't just a little burst of motivation that'll peter out?

submitted by /u/vworpstageleft
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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