Saturday, February 22, 2020

Losing weight fast because of physical job and low calorie diet but people are worried about my rapid weight loss, should I up my calorie intake?

Basically I'm on a 1200 calorie 'diet' (sometimes I eat more if I'm going out for a meal or consuming alcohol or it's a special occasion), and it seems to be going really well. Too well, in fact. I am losing weight rapidly and it's worrying some people (i.e my parents, and people at work). I did all the personal calculations and for me personally to lose 2lbs a week I'd have to consume about 1184 calories a day (which would change as I lost weight, obviously). It's not healthy to have anything below 1200 so I make sure to eat at least 1200 calories, which is close enough to the calories needed for me personally to lose 2lbs per week.

But I have a very physical job, it's retail work at night at a huge supermarket, which means pulling out cages full of stock onto the relevant aisles, then filling said aisles with said stock. (The actual boxes, not like random bits of stock). My step counter already says I am burning between 500 and 700 calories a day and that's just from the walking around the store, not taking into account how many calories burnt from the heavy lifting, pulling of cages, opening of boxes etc. It's constant movement, and when I'm not moving, I'm putting a (probably heavy) box on a half empty shelf.

So yeah, I am burning a lot of calories. If I think about it, some days I'm burning more than I am taking in. My hours are inconsistent, which makes it hard to figure out a plan. Some weeks I'll burn a healthy 2lbs (usually the weeks I do only my contracted hours or are on self service checkouts covering for someone on holiday/off sick), but other weeks I'll lose up to 5lbs. It's been great, because I didn't even realise I was losing that much for ages until people started saying I'd lost loads (in short spaces of time, like I started this 1200 calorie thing 6 months ago but people are only really mentioning my weight loss now, which happens to be when I am working 40+ hour weeks rather than 22 hours. So I've began weighing myself, to see what's been going on, and yeah I've lost a lot. 3 and a half stone in 6 months, which wouldn't be so bad if it was levelled out, but it's only the past couple months that the weight has really rapidly come off.

I recently had two weeks off work, and continued my eating habits as normal, and lost 3lbs. That's in two weeks. On the first week back at work, I lost 5lbs. I've been trying to up my intake, and I've not being saying no to the odd maccies or takeout because I know my job will sort that out. Is it really that bad? I still have a long way to go before I am a healthy weight, but my body is weird in a way that my fat seems to be in more hidden places so I look skinnier than I am. I'm 180lbs so I'm 100% overweight, but people at work and my parents (who I live away from), are telling me to stop losing weight or saying they're worried I am not eating. If I wasn't eating there's NO way I'd have the energy to fill and stock all night. I've tried the whole starvation thing when I was younger, not something I'd try again.

So to stop them worrying what do I do? Eat more? Work less? (lol they'd soon retract their comments). Honestly this was working for me until I realised how much I was losing. Now I am torn.

submitted by /u/0nemorelight
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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