Sunday, February 16, 2020

“Only 15 Pounds” Looks Better on My Body Than on My Scale

I’ve been feeling stuck in my weight loss journey lately. I keep ping ponging between 14-15 pounds lost, feeling frustrated because each morning my scale can’t give me that magical number that I’ve been working so hard for.

“Only 15 pounds! I’ve been putting all my effort into losing weight and I ONLY have 15 pounds to show for it” is what I keep telling myself. I’ve been doing CICO, healthy amounts of cardio and strength training 3x/week, good and healthy fuel, consistent therapy, have rid myself of toxic people, made more space in my home, and have been trying to be more kind to myself. It’s tough and challenging, but feels wonderful. I started in August 2019, and had been indulging and inconsistent until about 6 weeks ago, which is when I really started taking it seriously and working hard. Now I crave the gym, crave good foods, crave things that make me feel good and healthy.

I keep noticing that my clothes fit so much better, but I keep trying to convince myself that it’s all in my head - “it’s only 15 pounds, it doesn’t make a difference, you’re crazy”.

I have hypothyroidism, which makes it really tough to create and sustain weight loss. Instead of celebrating that I lost weight despite my yucky thyroid, I was using it as a barrier, saying “I’ll never be where I want to be because it’s impossible without a good metabolism”.

I was looking through photos last night and stumbled across family vacation pictures, and there it was. This picture of me in a bikini, running around with my 2 year old niece. I compared it to pictures of myself from Valentine’s Day, when I was trying on a new bikini for an upcoming trip to Cancun. I couldn’t help but grin a giddy grin.

My arms are smaller, I can notice definition in my shoulders, my legs aren’t nearly as lumpy, my double chin is almost obsolete, I don’t look puffy and bloated. I have energy, my butt is getting more firm, I can walk up stairs without dying, I can dance longer and harder.

I’m realizing that “only 15 pounds” looks and feels so much different on my body than it does when I look at the scale. We need to spend more time being kind to ourselves in this journey, and remembering that any effort is what truly matters. We’re doing the thing ❤️

PROGRESS PICTURE 🥳 August 2019 —> February 2020

submitted by /u/butterflybeings
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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