Sunday, February 16, 2020

Looking for Advice on Starting Strength Training


Two years ago when I started my journey to become healthier I was at ground zero exercise wise. I had plantar fasciitis in both feet and every step hurt. Weight loss and foot braces healed my feet allowing me to walk comfortably. Soon I was tracking calories on My Fitness Pal and counting my steps. Over the course of a few months 10,000 steps daily became my goal and I found that I benefited on so many levels having that daily walk or hike.

Now I'm at the point where I really enjoy daily exercise and I alternate between walks/hike outside, treadmills and walking videos by Leslie Sansome. I am enjoying my increased fitness and see several benefits in addition to weight loss. For example, I look forward to time alone with my thoughts, the physical release and during this time of the year the mood elevation (we have so little sun).

From all that I read about health and exercise, I see that women near or over 50 should add strength training. I'm interested and would like to try it....but I am not sure where to start. Every article or video seems to show different exercise. Also, like weight loss there seems to be contradictory information. For example, some say you can benefit from as little as 5 pound weighs while others say you need to start at higher weight. Some say free weights and others say machines. Does anyone have a good resource on where to start? Ideally, I'd like things I could do in the privacy of my own home. My goals would be to get more toned and whatever could maintain or boost my metabolism. I turn to the body of knowledge here as I feel you all give very practical, reasonable advice. Thanks.

submitted by /u/MissCmotivated
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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