Sunday, February 16, 2020

Seeing major results and it’s addicting

I started my weight loss journey back in mid December. Figured I would get a head start on the whole New Years resolutions things. I’m male, 6’1’’, and at my starting point I was 245 lbs.

I started just by going on really long walks. In the morning I would try and get out and just briskly walk 5-6 miles. After New Years, I signed up at Planet Fitness. Their monthly fee is really cheap and it’s right by where I work. I usually go right after work or even sometimes on my lunch breaks. It helps because I bring clothes and go before I get home and sit on my couch and lose motivation.

I started running on the treadmill at first. I used to run cross country in high school and I really wanted to get back to loving running. I started to do too much too fast though and hurt my knee. For about two weeks I couldn’t run and even walking around in daily life hurt my knee.

So many times before I’ve tried to set myself to work out and get in better shape and I lost motivation after a few days. This knee thing seemed like the exact thing that would knock me back to being lazy and putting on some more pounds before starting this process all over again. But I was determined to stick with it this time. I started cycling at the gym because it was the only thing that didn’t hurt my knee. Plus I was hoping that strengthening my quads would help recovery on my knee and help with knee pain in the future when I got back to running.

After about two weeks of not running, my knee felt good enough to start running again. I started just to go every other day to make sure my knee would be okay. Last week I started lifting weights along with doing my cardio workouts. Just a full body workout 3 times a week since I’ve never really done weights before. I run to work now and I’m just starting to run every day a few days ago. My wife signed up for my gym as well and goes with me often when our schedules line up. She also picks me up from work when I run there because it’s too cold at night. She’s been super supportive during this whole process. I do a lot of the cooking in our house and sometimes she might not love the healthier meals that I’m making but she knows how important this is to me and is always my number one supporter. She’s one of the biggest reasons why I’m bettering myself and it means so much to have someone cheering for me.

With all of this exercise, I also track all of my caloric intake in an app called Lose It. I don’t follow a specific diet of any kind. I simply make sure to run a caloric deficit every day. Being conscious of what you eat will take out a lot of foods from your diet though. Sodas, snacking, red meats, etc. All of these will have too many calories to try and fit into a caloric deficit diet so naturally I don’t eat them as much.

Now writing this two months later, I’m 219 lbs. I’m down 26 lbs. And I’m at a point in my progress where I can really see the loss in my body when I look in the mirror. It’s addicting to see your body start to turn in to something that you want to see and that you are proud of. I’m still quite a ways off from where I want to be but I’m excited every day to go the gym and push myself to be better.

No matter where you are in your weight loss journey, whether you are seeing results or still feel like you’re working hard for not much progress, you can do this. Keep fighting for who you want to be. Take the steps you need to get motivated. Find whatever it is that makes you addicted to the grind!

submitted by /u/cjr556
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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