Thursday, February 6, 2020

Weight loss after tonsillectomy

So I (25F 5’8”) had been slowly losing weight almost getting down to a consistent 206-207 lbs from 219lb over the past year or so.. I’ve been rock climbing/ hiking/gym but really it came down to my diet holding me back... welll I got down to a whopping 194.2 lbs during recovery.. literally because I was starving... well now I’m eating again and my weight picked back up to 195 even though I had ate less than 1000 cal the last couple days.. I started climbing again and I need food to do that.. at my current intake I was extremely shaky and my endurance had slowed for obvious reasons.. but now I’m scared to gain it back... I love my current size and it’s motivated me to keep pushing and take control. But now I’m scared to eat because the scale went up instead of down... I downloaded my fitness pal so I can slowly see myself lose the weight and not just crash diet... but any tips?? I’m just worried

submitted by /u/_Suzuya90
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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