Sunday, April 5, 2020

9 months in and motivation is waning. Advice?

Hi fellow losers,

I’m officially 9 months into my weight loss journey and around 35kg/75lb down. Good times all round.

Things have been relatively smooth sailing up until now, I even managed to maintain my weight on a 4-week holiday without counting a single calorie!! I really thought my habits were improving significantly but the last 6 weeks have been struggle street. I’ve been busy and stressed and turning to food for comfort. I seem to have obliterated any sense of self control I had gained.

My loss has slowed as now my usual calorie limit of 1200 is not enough of a difference to lose 1lb per week. I’m bored at home all day and my usual exercise routine has taken a hit too. I’m just generally feeling unmotivated to continue with this, and that horrible cycle of overeating and then hating myself has started to make regular reappearances.

Anyway, not really sure what I’m asking for here, just felt like I needed to get some feelings off my chest. After all this time I still haven’t discussed my weight loss with anyone, so all my feelings relating to this journey get bottled up a bit.

Any advice on how to deal with waning motivation and an unwilling return to old habits (especially with being isolated :/) is welcomed.

submitted by /u/landunce
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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