Hi everyone! Hope you're all well and healthy.
I have just started on my weight loss journey a week ago. I am 20F, 5'2ish, and 138lbs. I am eating about 1300 calories of nutritious vegetarian food a day. I've been doing 16:8 intermittent fasting.
However, in the past week, I have started to feel a sort of lightheaded dizziness near constantly. It's not room spinning, but almost like I'm fading in and out with a kind of pressure on the back of my head, or like I'm rocking on a boat. Kind of like things go in and out, when I'm just sitting, and almost like a tipsy feeling at times. It's really unpleasant and starting to interfere with my work and school, and feels like it's getting worse.
I'm having a hard time isolating the cause. The only thing that has changed recently is my eating and fasting -- drinking enough water, getting sleep, no new meds, etc. Even though I've restricted calories, I don't feel hungry, and I am eating much better than I was before. I am also confused because I don't feel tired or weak, it's just the dizziness (which makes me feel like it's not anemia probably). Sometimes when I exercise I feel better, so most of the problem arise when I'm sitting and focusing on something (which I have to do a lot for school). When this started it was accompanied by mild headaches, but that's subsided. Sometimes I get a mild sense of nausea or just general shitty-ness too.
I thought it may be an issue of the fasting, so I didn't do it today (eating since I woke up) and no change. I tried eating sugary foods, no change. I thought it may be because I cut down on simple carbs that I was eating a lot of (although I am by no means keto), but having pasta and bread did nothing. I am drinking coconut water and emergen-c for electrolytes and no change. Even while or right after I eat I feel the same.
I'm wondering if this is a normal experience that will pass when you change diet, or if it's happened to anyone else. Or, if this doesn't even sound diet related at all. I could really use any advice because I can't figure out how to remedy or even alleviate it, and I am getting concerned that there is no improvement and I can't seem to find a cause. Even just typing this I feel incredibly woozy. Any and all advice or anecdotes are appreciated.
Thank you!
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2VaTJV1
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