Sunday, April 12, 2020

F/29, 5'8 - Weight loss journey starts today

6 years ago, I was 23 years old and weighed in the 145-150 lbs range. I worked out 4 times a week and generally ate healthy, with little alcohol and little fast-food/candy/soda. I had a relatively active lifestyle, working as a teacher assistant for pre-school kids.

Then I started college to get myself a proper education.

--April 2020--

I'm 29 years old, have finished graduate school at master's level and am now working full-time but the infamous freshman 15 have stayed on and multiplied. I now weigh in at 188 lbs, meaning that in the 5 years I studied and the nearly 1 year of working full-time, I have gained and kept on roughly 40 lbs.

My work is in an office and is quite a sedentary type of job.

This is not a situation I'm happy with because:

  1. The extra weight is bothering me and I generally feel unhealthy and lacking energy.
  2. All my clothes are becoming too small and it will be expensive to replace my entire wardrobe.
  3. I am now solidly overweight according to various BMI calculators (28.5), and I'm not very far (8 lbs) from being classified as obese - which is scary and would put me at risk for a whole lot of other health problems! I don't want to go there.

Three very good reasons to do something about this, in other words!

I have absolutely no stamina whatsoever when it comes to cardio, and I haven't really done any strength training in a couple of years, except bouldering indoors but that's not targeted strength training, it's just fun. With covid-19 all bouldering gyms are closed indefinitely anyway.

My only form of exercise now is biking to and from work on my electric bike some days per week. A lot of potential for betterment!

So, I have decided to start on my journey.

My weapons of choice will be:

  1. the MyFitnessPal app (unless there's a better alternative out there for CICO?)
  2. my Fitbit watch
  3. a yoga mat
  4. a brand new pair of Nike running shoes bought at an 80% discount sale, bonus - they're pink!
  5. some kind of youtube channel which will take me through at home, no equipment workouts which are not too hard for absolute beginners (suggestions most welcome!)
  6. the vast forested wilderness near my home with prepared hiking trails and gravel roads
  7. the 1500isplenty and 1200isplenty subreddits for food inspiration (other suggestions for subreddits or websites very welcome)
  8. a bullet journal where I keep track of my work-outs, measurements and goal progress.
  9. a gym in winter, because the weather and temperatures here really makes it impossible to exercise outside.

My goals:

Short term (~june 2020)

  1. Have gotten into a routine where I log my food and is able to keep a deficit of roughly 3-500 calories per day.
  2. Have acquired an "eye for calories" which will allow me to introduce a more varied diet.
  3. Have started and kept up with a couch to 5k free running program.
  4. Have started and kept up with an easy home-based strength program.

Medium term (~september/october 2020)

  1. Be able to run a 5k.
  2. Have explored more of the forested areas near my home.
  3. Have established a routine of one longer walk/hiking trip per week.
  4. Have kept up the calorie deficit while still eating a healthy and varied diet.
  5. Have spent at least 3 nights outdoors since April.

Medium to long term (~spring 2021)

  1. Have signed up for a relay race and a 5k race set in 2021.
  2. Have found and kept up with a gym-based work-out programme for winter.
  3. Have established a routine of one longer walk/hiking trip per week.
  4. Have kept up the calorie deficit while still eating a healthy and varied diet.
  5. Have spent at least 3 nights outdoors since April.

Long term (~summer 2021)

  1. Be able to do one pull-up (I have never been able to do this)
  2. Be within the healthy weight range for my height (135-160 lbs)
  3. Go from a deficit to maintenance once I reach the upper-middle to middle values of said range.
  4. Improve my stamina and be able to run a 10k race by the end of 2021.

So, now I only have to start all of this!

I'll keep this thread updated for each of the different goal phases to keep myself accountable.

submitted by /u/CarefulWerewolf
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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