Wednesday, April 8, 2020

How to Stay Motivated for the First Few Weeks of Dieting?

Hey all, first post ever on Reddit!

Today for the first time in my life, I (25M, 5’9, 205lbs, >25%bf) looked in the mirror and hated what I saw. I’m not really here for any messages on being comfortable in my own skin, I think we’re all entitled to some self-criticism so long as it isn’t leading to self-harm.

A little back story here, I was a collegiate athlete, specifically I played football. And I wasn’t a lineman or anything, I was a kicker, and up until that point I had been extremely lean my entire life, I was “skinny fat” in high school 5’9 145lbs, no real muscle. And then in college I was about 160lbs, probably at or just under 13% body fat.

When I graduated college I was really into weightlifting and tracking macros, it was easy for me because my parents paid for my groceries, personal training, and I didn’t have a job, my life revolved around training. I was about 171lbs at 7% body fat (dexa scan).

I had been tracking macros for probably close to 4 years when I had an incident in the gym (June 2017), I fainted without warning or health concerns. This spooked me. Big time. For all intents and purposes, I haven’t truly worked out like I used to since that day, almost three years. When that had happened, I allowed myself to eat food that I hadn’t had for years; burgers, burritos, tacos, anything I wanted to, I ate.

Fast forward to today, and I’m sitting at 205lbs, >25% body fat, and a SEVERE lack of motivation. I’m scared because I know just how much work it took and how long it took to lose 10-12lbs, I’m afraid of what it will take to lose 20-30. This fear stops me from being disciplined and causes me to slip back into eating garbage food. I blame it on being busy at work, getting home late, being tired, but it’s all bullcrap excuses.

Anyone who has lost that amount of weight or more, how did you stay motivated and on your diet when the weight loss is so slow?

I’m trying IMF and using a macro split of 40C/40P/20F. Any tips and advice on nutrition and training are also welcome!

tl;dr: Used to be extremely fit, now I’m overweight and scared of the time and effort it takes to lose weight. What keeps your nose to the grind stone?

submitted by /u/Hey_McFly94
[link] [comments]

from loseit - Lose the Fat

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