Thursday, April 9, 2020

Need some guidance and advice :)

I apologise in advance for the essay lol.

Hello everyone, I’m Luke and I’m a 22 year old male, 180cm tall and currently weigh 89kg (196 pounds) I have Aspergers and have struggled with having autism for most of my life. The last 5 years I’ve been overweight and obese. My heaviest weight was 108kg (238 pounds). I was miserable and hated myself and my body. Felt disgusting and would not stop looking at myself in mirrors and feel disgusted with what I saw.

I wanted to lose weight so bad and didn’t have any idea how to do so. I just googled how to lose weight and there were so many different sites saying all kinds of different things so I didn’t feel I had a clear concise answer. I tried keto for a few weeks and I did have some success but I believe it was just the water weight and eventually I crashed and went back to my normal eating habits. At around December last year I went mini golfing with my partner and we took photos together and when I saw the photos I felt like I was hit with a realisation of how big I’d gotten. I said to myself enough is enough. I found this reddit page and saw the calories in vs calories out method. For the last 4 months I have done CICO, I’ve lost 16kg (35 pounds). I am very picky with my food and to be honest, I’ve barely had any vegetables my entire life and I struggle so much with even the thought of trying vegetables. I’m worried for my general health in the long run, my nutrition isn’t good at all. I’ve been very limited with what I’ve been eating. I usually have two slices of bread in the morning and a footlong from subway and that’s all I try to eat a day, sometimes I eat a bit more (popcorn, whatever I can find). I believe I eat around 1300-1500 calories a day.

I would like to ask you lovely people for advice and guidance. I don’t know if I’m overthinking or being paranoid or not but I feel I’m not going to lose more weight. Sometimes I focus to much on things I come across on the internet like having too much carbs or not enough Nutrition and etc and I feel I’m doing the weight loss wrong. Do I continue on with what I’m doing? The other thing is my diet. Ever since I can remember I have lived off pizza, meat pies, nuggets and fast food and everything unhealthy to be honest. want to really change my eating, i would really like to eventually be at the point where I can eat vegetables and have a balanced healthy diet and maintain a healthy weight. How can I overcome my pickyness and fear of vegetables? I don’t know how to cook so that’s a problem in itself. I appreciate you all for taking the time to read my post. Any tips, replies and advice is greatly appreciated. Hope you all have a safe and happy Easter.

submitted by /u/fable98theking
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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