Sunday, April 12, 2020

New to tracking food/exercise, 1 week in and I've lost 2 lbs! Good/bad?

Hi everyone! I'm totally new here so forgive me if the formatting is off or I don't include proper information but I'll try my best.

I've been at a fairly healthy weight most of my life until I finished undergrad and work and switched to a much more sedentary lifestyle. I went from averaging 15,000 steps a day to averaging 3,000, drinking lots of alcohol, and barely leaving my room. Somehow this only lead to a weight gain of 15 lbs but I could definitely tell the difference and I didn't like it. I dealt with it for months and tried to just "eat healthier" but didn't get anywhere. Then COVID-19 forced my grad school to go online and I really wasn't leaving the house, and I feared gaining more weight. I use to be very active as a kid but now (24F, 5'6", 138lbs)) my metabolism slowed and I did not like exercising just to do it. Here's where the motivation kicked in...I did not want to gain more and I now had extra time and no excuse not to do it.

I downloaded MyFitnessPal and decided to actually start tracking food and exercising daily. I also downloaded Couch 2 5k because I wanted to get back into running but was extremely out of shape. I put in my weight loss goal (15 lbs) and it told me I should net 1260 calories per day. Okay.

First day didn't go so well, I really got an idea of how horrible my portion sizes were and how much extra calories my Arizona Green Tea and other sugary drinks were. Yikes. Next day went back to it.

Well, one week later of running daily and tracking all of my calories, and I'm actually TWO POUNDS DOWN!! I honestly couldn't believe it! I know weight can vary but I weighed myself at the same time, same day, same clothes as last week. I have not been 136 since before I gained all the weight to 138-140, so I believe this to be accurate.

I was originally suggested by many to only lose 1lb a week, is 2lbs too much? I plan to continue my current diet and exercise as is, but I also understand water weight can result in larger weight loss the first week.

Am I on the right track? This is all so new to me and I'm so happy I actually saw results. I took progress pics too and my stomach is noticeably smaller, again not sure if good or bad. Thank you all! I've lurked a bit and really enjoyed all your posts! I know this is not as much of a victory as for most, but it is for me!

submitted by /u/thisgingerhasasoul
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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