Monday, April 6, 2020

Please can I have some advice! I really want this to work.

Hello my stats are: Female 28 224 pounds 5’2

I don’t particularly have a goal weight. But I guess my start goal weight would be to get to 190 initially - I want to see how I go with weight loss and see where I will set my end goal weight once I begin loosing.

When we aren’t in lockdown I am an optician that works in a small store and sometimes don’t even manage 3000-4000 steps a day.

Since lockdown started in the UK, I have been trying to count calories as I want to make sure I am loosing during the lockdown etc as I am trying to make something positive out of this.

I’ve set my goals at 1600 with a completely sedentary lifestyle on My Fitness Pal.

Before this week I was starting to exercise by exercising 3 - 4 times a week. This week I have done no exercise as I have had tonsillitis and wanted to hibernate.

So long story - will I loose weight on 1600 cals per day with no exercise? And when I do exercise I know this will help speed up my weight loss will 1600 still be okay on exercise days?

My exercise is going to be 3x a week slow jogging, like walking/running for 5k. (Doing couch to 5k)

And then the 4th day will be a HIIT work out and beginners work out until I gain some more stamina and things.

My meals will be all home cooked meals just standard plates of a meat (baked or dry fried), veg (boiled or roasted with a small amount of oil) and carbs (wholemeal bread, rice, potatoes) and allowing myself a nice treat like a small bar of chocolate/low cal ice cream/fruit etc.

I guess I’m worried I’ll put all this effort in and come a month down the line not have lost anything and feel demotivated or something. So do you guys think 1600 would be fine?

Thank you ☺️

submitted by /u/bellaellag
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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