Sunday, August 23, 2020

Help me create a realistic target

For context, I am a 30 years old male, with a current BMI of 29.3, just barely below the obese category. I have tried dieting casually for around 2 years, and managed to keep my weight at 72kg for a few months before bouncing back to this current state of 77kg as of now.

One positive is before I was consciously trying to be healthy, my weight was at 80-82kg, and I was able to keep myself just below the obese category for almost 2 years. But with my appetite for food (I am in south east Asia where almost all local delicacies are full of oil and fat), I know I am one binge-eating week away from going back to my previous state.

Now, I am trying to seriously putting effort in getting healthy but the prospect of losing 13kg of weight to be in a normal BMI range looks so daunting.

What is a realistic goal that I can target for short term, say until end of this year so I can feel accomplished and motivated to continue with my weight loss goal of a healthy BMI?

Also, for anyone living in Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia or similar country, if you have a suggestion on how to live a healthier life while maintaining social interactions, please advise me!
I live in Malaysia where you know the culture is always eat eat eat, especially during family gathering and those morning Nasi Lemak or night Mamak eating is sometimes hard to resist.

submitted by /u/SprayInABox
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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