Friday, August 21, 2020

I lost 5 lbs, but I feel like my body gross

A rant. I’m not asking for pity.

I weighed myself in this morning. I lost 5 pounds. I’m going to weigh myself again when I get home from work. Holy crap. I had been dreaming about when I would get under 170 for so long. But I don’t feel great, like I don’t even love my body right now. I know it’s a mixed of coming down my period hormone high and thoughts in my head.

I know my PCP and nutritionist would be proud - we are working on my weight loss actively. I know my mom would ask if I could lose some more because ‘how am I SO big when she had 6 kids and I have none myself’? (Lol it sucks being in this family). My boyfriend wouldn’t compliment - he acknowledges that I’ve gain weight, it that I lost any (I don’t think the physical part of losing weight has shown up yet).

I’ve been gaining weight since my second year of college. I went from 125 to 170, like that scary fast. I know I can feel it in my knees when I use the treadmill. Stretch marks are literally all over my belly. And my thighs, oh my goodness, my thighs. I thought they were huge in high school. I thought they were gross in college. Like now, they are gross huge. Parts of me are gross, but working out helps combat that, kind of.

I acknowledge I have body image issues (doesn’t help that my SO has thinner features than I do and I compare us on a daily basis).

But I lost 5 pounds and to this page and everyone who has been passively helping me on this weight loss journey, thank you. I like reading your stories and journey to a healthier, happy you.

submitted by /u/allthisglory
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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