Wednesday, August 5, 2020

My first new years resolution I’ve actually stuck to

I started my weight loss journey on January 1st of this year at at around 180 lbs (I first weighed myself 3 weeks in so I’d imagine my starting weight was slightly higher). As a 5’4 female this put my just in the obese category. My self confidence was at an all time low and I was disgusted in myself about how much I was eating, especially over the holiday period, so I decided I needed to change. I bought a fitbit tracker and decided I would start to log my calories, which was something completely alien to me. Today, 217 days later, I reached my goal weight and weighed in at 146lbs, which puts my just in the healthy weight category. I have struggled with my weight all my life and whenever i’ve tried to lose in the past it’s been a short 2 day stint of restricting myself, then inevitably slipping back into my old ways. This is the first time in my life I’ve managed to set myself a goal and actually stick to it, which I’m super proud of. I kick myself sometimes as I wish I’d started sooner, but I never realised it could be as simple as put more out than you put in. One day it just clicked and I realised I can do this and still be happy and social and not have to miss out on things like beer and burgers, if i’m sensible about it. I have been following around 1200 calories each day and I was going to the gym until Covid hit, when I started walking instead, every day. On the days where I’m more active or just more hungry I will up my calories and listen to my body. Who knew that a gentle exercise like waking could make such a massive difference.
I thought that when I reached my goal weight, I’d be shouting it from the rooftops. But I feel bad for telling my friends and family as many of them are struggling with their weight and I don’t want to be that person who is rubbing it in and making them feel worse about themselves (I’ve definitely been there). So I decided to make a post on here instead, as this sub along with a few others have been a great source of inspiration along this journey and I hope that other people can do the same with this. I know my journey pales in comparison to some of the amazing people on this sub who have lost 100lbs+, but I felt like sharing this as it’s something I’m super proud of. My goal weight has now changed and I would ideally like to lose another 14-20 lbs, but that’s okay as I know I can get there eventually. Slow and steady wins the race.

submitted by /u/puzzledsoap
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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