Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Running has saved my relationship with food and my body

This is just to share my experience with weight loss and running, but obviously everyone is going to have different experiences.

I've always been on the larger side. I love food and hate exercise, and while my parents always emphasized eating healthy, they would let me eat unlimited amounts of nutritious which still led to me becoming overweight. I also hit my growth spurt early, so as a young girl, I felt huge. I really hated my body, but I always turned to food for comfort, which ended up forcing me into a cycle.

Senior year of high school, I learned about CICO and decided to count calories. I lost twenty pounds which I felt great about, but I was eating about 1100-1200 calories a day and I was terrified to go over my calorie limits. I was so miserable since I was too scared to get ice cream or dinner with my friends the summer before we all left for college. My mom made me a cake for my graduation but I only ate half a slice since I didn't know the calories and I could tell that hurt her, but I was terrified of overeating.

Then I went to college and I went in the complete other direction. I didn't bring a scale so I never knew how much I weighed and stopped counting calories, so the freshman fifteen really got to me. I knew I was gaining weight and while I hated it, I felt so out of control. But something good came out of going to college: I took up running. I hated running in my hometown, but I went to college in a city where a large part of the population was made up of runners, and I fell in love with running. I didn't really do it that much, maybe 2 miles three days a week, but it was better than nothing.

Since quarantine hit and I had to go home, I've been running so much more and I think it's actually changed my relationship with food so much. I decided to run more regularly and I've been running 5 days a week since March. This time a year ago, I couldn't even run a mile and now I run a 10k once or twice a week, and I hope to run 10 miles without stopping by the end of the year.

I still count calories, but I'm so much more forgiving to myself. I can actually eat food socially again and I'm so much happier than I was this time last year. Even if I overeat, I just consider it extra fuel for the run the next day, rather than hating myself or punishing myself for it. I weigh less now than I did when I left for college, but I feel like I need to work so much less for it. I think the biggest thing I've gotten out of running is the knowledge that my body is capable of so much, even if it doesn't look exactly the way I want it to. I still have weight to lose, but I'm so happy with what I am able to accomplish. I'm not going to win any races or anything, but it's an amazing feeling to know I can actually just go out and run for an hour straight, which I never thought would have been possible.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that while it's so true that you can't outrun a bad diet, running and exercise can definitely help your relationship with food and how you feel about yourself. I always focused my goals on being slim and attractive, but now my goals are centered around improving my body in order to see how much I can accomplish, and I am so much more forgiving of days where I'm not perfect.

submitted by /u/Slowrunninggal
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3kzIcKz

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