Tuesday, August 31, 2021

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submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3gM0UOH

Help with hunger

I think the worst part about weight loss is that you don’t know how much hunger is too much (will it derail my progress?) or if it’s just your stomach getting used to only being partially full? What are some of your tips that keep you from panicking when you feel those hunger pangs - especially when the day is over and you’ve eaten your allotted calories. Maybe a mantra…? Do I eat some cotton balls? (Kidding!) I think some of this is ingrained…being raised thinking an empty belly is the absolute worst, but my mother was raised very poor so I don’t begrudge her those feelings. Thanks for any help!

submitted by /u/Massive-Spread8083
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3yxrQIm

Losing 1.5 lbs per month - too slow?

I've been trying to lose weight from the beginning of March 2021. It's been 6 months since I started, and I'm only down 9 lbs. I'm trying to make sustainable changes to my lifestyle that I will be able to continue doing forever, like increasing the amount of vegetables I eat, drinking enough water (most days), cutting down high calorie foods like butter, cheese and cream, and stopping mindless snacking. Also, I started going on walks a few times a week, but with the summer heat I just haven't been doing that the past few weeks (though the weight is still coming off at the same slow pace).

And yes, I see some changes in the mirror - my clothes have become a bit looser and my old clothes fit me better now. I still need to lose around 9 more lbs to be at a healthy weight (and I'd like to keep it off).

I see people losing 0.5 to 1 lb a week, and I'm wondering if my weight loss is too slow even for the sustainable lifestyle changes approach.

submitted by /u/Sasanono
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3mOs4bH

Looking to hire trainer

What do I look for? I’m 40+f, would like to drop maybe 50 lbs, but more so want to tone up and get stronger. I’ve lost about 10 pounds over the past three months by simply cutting calories and starting to walk. I have severe anxiety even just walking into a gym, and live in a very beauty-centered city in the US (which doesn’t help the anxiety). After seeing so many women on TikTok share their weight loss journey, I think I’m finally ready.

Lots of chain gyms here, plus independently owned (EOS, Planet Fitness, etc) so I would like to find someone who will work with me at one of those gyms. I don’t even know where to begin. Do trainers work for the gyms? Can independent trainers work/train at gyms they don’t work for? What do I look for in a trainer? And what should I expect to pay if I want to work out with them a couple times a week until I build up my confidence.

submitted by /u/throwaway70717273
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3DJGD6y

Advice on organizing routine

I'm still kinda at the beginning of my weight loss journey, but am wondering how I should organize my routine for exercise. I've started off slow so I don't overwhelm myself and quit, but I have gradually increased what I'm doing.

I've been exercising 5 days a week with yoga, and am now up to doing an hour for beginners using YouTube videos. I just moved up to 5 pound hand weights, but don't really have a workout for those, just using pictures of what to do. And as of this week have made the bike stationary, so I can use it, and have been doing 15 minutes with goal to be able to ride for 30 mins next week. I do stretches on weekends to keep my joints from being too stiff.

From my understanding (and I could be wrong), when using weights you should do one day on and one day off. But what about using the bike? Can I do that everyday to should I rest in between like with weights? When it cools down I also want to include walking as well, though not yet sure. Should I alternate and bike one day and wall the next?

Any advice welcome! Thank you!

submitted by /u/Crafty_Dragon_roll
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3DCxTPi

Habits, tips and advice

Hi all,

I've been around a while but this is my v first post! I love reading everything you guys post, thank you for all the tips over the last 9 months and helping me lose 50lbs.

I am a big believer that weight loss and maintenance is the product of good habits and designing your environment to help you reach your goals. Over the months I have created a list of these type of rules that work for me. I'd love to know if anyone has any other habits they find useful and would recommend?

Mine are;

  1. No keeping food in my room
  2. Eat all meals at the table
  3. Keep any foods I could be tempted to overeat out of sight
  4. Keep healthy food front and centre
  5. If I can't be trusted to portion it I don't keep it in the house
  6. Give away food gifts, don’t save them, I will eat them at a weak moment
  7. Don't take money or credit card out if I'm not going to need it/take just enough money for what I need - no snack money!
  8. Eat from a 9" plate (optimal size apparently)
  9. Fill half plate with veggies always
  10. Don't get super ravenous as will over eat
  11. Don't get drunk and hungover
  12. No takeout
  13. Log absolutely everything I eat
  14. If I slip up, pick it right back up
  15. Limit eating out to once a week
  16. Just never enter convenience stores
  17. 2L of water every day

If anyone has any tips to help me break down numbers 11 & 12 more so I might actually achieve them, that would be amazing <3


submitted by /u/Elizc1990
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3yx4uCs

Just came back from a week and a half trip to NYC. Surprised I only gained 3 pounds from the trip.

Before I flew out, I was struggling with a plateau and hovering around 231. I was a bit worried about how my weight would look after my NYC trip because I decided to give myself a break and eat all the good food NYC has to offer. I came back home last night and weighed myself when I got back home.

I weighed in at 234, a 3 pound gain, which is very surprising to me and I still had some water weight from drinking water and eating food from my flight back.

All that walking in NYC (and humidity) really helped me maintain my weight for the whole trip. I ate so much that I thought I would gain 8-10 pound and got self-conscious about ruining my progress lol

Now I’m resting and getting ready to get back to my weight loss journey again💪🏼

submitted by /u/FlamingNate559
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3DClGui

I lost 55 pounds after Warren Buffett’s partner gave me the secret to weight loss

I’m convinced that to achieve success you are better off focusing on what not to do and what’s going to make you fail than what’s going to make you successful.

The favorite sayings of Warren Buffett’s partner Charlie Munger (a personal hero of mine) are “Invert, always Invert” and “All I want to know is where I’m going to die, so I’ll never go there”

Basically it means figure out what you don’t want or what is going to make you fail and work backwards.

That’s what I did to lose 55 pounds since the end of October.

I’m now down 75 pounds total and at my lowest weight since I graduated high school 7 years ago.

I figured out that the reason I was unable to stay with any weight loss plan for 7 years were the natural scale fluctuations and stalls.

I’d get started losing weight and then the scale would stall or fluctuate and I’d get discouraged and give up.

That’s why it took me almost two years to lose 20 pounds.

So I took Charlie’s advice and for 10 months I removed the scale from my life completely.

I counted every calorie and each week I’d determine my estimated weight by subtracting how many calories I ate that week from my BMR. Then I tracked that number in my Lose It! app.

When I weighed myself last week it was accurate within a pound.

submitted by /u/thesonofnarcs
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3DCbbqS

If you eat often because you get unbearably hungry, it might be an underlying condition!

I had a lot of trouble losing weight due to frequent hunger that made me eat often and in large quantities. The feeling of hunger felt almost painful, and I’d eat even if I had eaten a meal not long before.

It wasn’t until I paired this hunger with chest pains and heartburn that I was diagnosed with GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease). After getting on PPI medication for a few months, my painful hunger was gone! It turns out the pain of an empty stomach was coming from acid, not necessarily hunger. Food would relieve the pain since it would dilute the acidity.

I’ve since been able to lose weight more easily, and I am now 10 pounds from my weight loss goal. If you’re getting unreasonably hungry, definitely consider whether or not another condition is causing it!

submitted by /u/BirdwatcH0
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3jy35XW

Fallacy of body weight set point

I was recently talking to a friend who is also trying to lose weight. Her weight loss has stalled for the last couple of months and she was getting discouraged. I gave her all the usual pointers I saw on this sub.

While she appreciated the advice , she kept saying how she always stalls around the same weight ( around 180 lbs in her case, she is 5'4") and thinks it is her body weight set point.

I told her there is no such thing. She then presented me with the evidence she had collected over the last decade where she always goes up to around 210lbs and then starts the weight loss process. Once she is down to around 175-182 lbs the weight loss stops. She has never gone above or below these numbers. She said she thinks 180-200 is her set point range.

That got me thinking and I think it's not a weight set point , but a mental set point. She gets comfortable with how she looks around 180. Her clothes look better. She has more energy. She can do more activities. When that happens the weight loss takes a back seat and the pounds slowly creep back. It takes about 20 lbs for her to see/ feel the changes. The clothes are tight, she is out of breath easily etc. And the cycle starts again.

It actually resonated with me as well even though I don't believe in the set point theory. She said it made sense too and is going to double down on the CICO.

Just thought I would share here!

submitted by /u/loseittohike
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2WJLbJf

Tantrum Tuesday - The Day to Rant!

I Rant, Therefore I Am

Well bla-de-da-da! What's making your blood boil? What's under your skin? What's making you see red? What's up in your craw? Let's hear your weight loss related rants!

The rant post is a /u/bladedada production.

Please consider saving your next rant for this weekly thread every Tuesday.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3DtWQN7

My mom told me it may be too late for me to lose weight

At 175lbs I'm officially bigger than I've ever been. I've lost weight in the past using the CICO method. Man, I don't know how I did it, looking back. It was end of 2017 and in 1.5 years I was skinner than I've ever been.

But then I had a massive anxiety attack due to some personal circumstances. Someone very close to me died suddenly and tragically. And the world went Topsy turvy in 2020. Needless to say I turned to food to cope.

I don't know, it could have been because I showed her a video of a family member of mine who is trying to be a budding influencer. She looks like a doll. Unlike me whose short and fat she's tall and skinny. But my mom has been picking on me more than usual. At every body part.

And then finally let night she said if I don't start losing weight now I'll never be able to do it. I'll get to the point of no return. Soon I'm getting a fat bump on my back. Soon I'll never be able to run back and lose weight.

The thing is, I know I've lost weight in the past. I want to this time, but because of my health problems it's hard to exercise right now. And because of my emotions and anxieties and all the trauma from the past few years it's hard for me to let go of eating as a coping method.

I just hate being compared to others but most importantly I hate feeling helpless. And now I'm about to embark on a brand new path in my life and I'm just scared I won't be able to handle the stress and will turn to food.

Is there really a time when it's too late for someone? And how can I get started on my weight loss journey when there's so much to deal with?

submitted by /u/ShawnandAngela
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3BqqvEX

How genetics make you fat

I've seen a lot of posts in this sub about how daily habits are the key to weight loss and how it isn't all about genetics and you are right. But recently I've read up on how genetics can make someone more prone to obesity, and it's really helped me understand my brain and body when it comes to food behaviours and weight loss and I thought it was worth sharing here.

(Disclaimer: I'm just a person reading academic papers and trying to wrap my head around them. There are lots of people out there that have a much better understanding than me and I will happily be corrected on any mistakes.)

The main gene out there that's been clearly linked to obesity is the FTO gene. You get two copies - one from each of your parents - and I recently found out that both of mine put me at a high-risk for obesity (thanks mum and dad!).

I'm not obese. I have a BMI that sits about 25 ish (borderline overweight) but I do feel like I'm constantly counting calories and fighting to keep it there. I wanted to find out what this FTO gene is about and if it means that I am genetically destined to become obese one day.

I found out that currently... they don't know. Scientists aren't sure what about this gene makes people, on average, 3kg heavier and 1.67 times more likely to become obese. But they have some useful ideas and one in particular resonated with me.

People with both copies of the high risk FTO gene have higher ghrelin levels, even after they have finished a meal. Ghrelin is the thing that makes you hungry, so effectively, they need to overeat to feel full. Also, they find pictures of calorie dense foods more appealing after eating when others don't, and they tend towards higher fat foods when selecting from a buffet which results in consuming 100-200 calories more.

My immediate reaction was that this gene sucks and that I can never have that happy full feeling after a meal. But now knowing that, it's a lot easier to turn down snacks or desserts after a meal that I used to reach for to "feel full" when I know that "feeling full" really means overeating. I've had a lot easier time sticking to my calorie goal because of it. I've also switched out some high fat and high sugar foods and added in more protein and that definitely helps.

Genetics is important, but there are plenty of obese people that don't have the high risk FTO gene and plenty of healthy weight people that do. It's not the be all, end all, and daily healthy habits and exercise are the biggest determinants of weight. But for me, it's helped me be more conscious of how my body is and how it works.

Thanks to anyone who has read this far, and if you are interested, I found this out using the CRI Genetics Ancestry + Traits DNA kit. In their database (probably has some inherent biases) ~15% of people have both high risk FTO genes, ~47% have one and ~37% have both low risk.

TLDR: Genetics impacts weight partly because your body is telling you to eat more. You don't have to listen to it.







submitted by /u/suze23
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2WF8T9E

For people that had to lose 80 lbs or more, how soon did you look noticeably better? Fit in smaller clothes? Able to move easier?

My numbers: SW 270 CW 255 GW 175 (roughly, I’ll see how I feel when I’m under 200) 30F 5’9”

I’m 15 lbs lighter than when I began losing weight 3 and a half weeks ago, but I feel like I look the same. But of course I see myself in the mirror every day. So it’s hard to see the change.

So I don’t drive myself crazy taking selfies all the time and looking for minute differences, I wanna pick a goal weight for when I would take new pictures for things like my dating profile and the staff page at work. Can anyone share when they began to notice a visual difference? I’m especially annoyed with having a double chin and sort of puffy face that shows up in photos no matter the angle or lighting.

Also wondering similar things about clothes sizes (right now everything fits about the same) and ease of movement. I want to plan a time to go through old clothes to bring the too-small ones back into rotation, and probably go shopping too.

When did you start to to notice looking different, clothes being too lose, other practical or noticeable differences as a result of weight loss?

submitted by /u/BeauteousMaximus
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/38wXcE4

A post for the ordinary!

I see all these posts with people who lost 50 pounds / 100 pounds and that is great and wonderful!

However I don’t see many for people like me who are a stone/ two stone overweight. I lost 7 pounds (1/2 a stone) in three weeks. It was tough and I ate well and started running!

This is a post to encourage people that even losing 1/2 pounds a week is brilliant! This sub can be for us fat people who are slagged about being overweight and “fat” without being obese too!

I now only need to lose 14 pounds more which is really hard! For my BMI to read normal weight which has never done in 23 years, even with previous diet and working out but I will do, thanks to this sub and the people like me who I have seen achieve their weight loss goals!

submitted by /u/redirishlad
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/38sW58E

How many of you were formerly pre-diabetic?

I had a health checkup not too long ago after I lost 40 lbs. I'm not even finished with my weight loss journey yet but already it seems my health readings have skyrocketed. In the past,I was always diagnosed as pre-diabetic with high cholesterol,but now,none of those readings showed up. From the looks of it in fact,I'm perfectly fine. (I'm actually one of the healthiest in the family now,my readings look better than a lot of the thinner members of my family)

Its quite the pleasing accomplishment,but also rather surprising as I still have a long way to go before I'm done. anyone else have this experience?

submitted by /u/JohnnyEnglishPegasus
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3kGVC8q

When after you mess up a little you get the urge to "may as well mess up all the way".

I replied to someone's comment and that reply got surprising amount of prise so maybe it's useful on its own merit for some here.

It's very easy to fall into a trap of I fucked up a bit may as well fuck all the way. I think we have all been there. We couldn't eat healthy at lunch time so fuck it may as well make the most out of it and have extra helping of pudding and pint of beer.

I has changed for me when I started to treat weight loss/ healthy weight maintenance as any other selfcare activity.

If I was to fall asleep without brushing my teeth in the evening, I would not wake up thinking "Well I have fucked it last night may as well not bother brushing today either".

If I had too much too drink on the weekend, I would not wake up thinking "Well that is it time to chug that wine till next Friday I suppose". Nor when I start getting really drunk on a night out would I think to myself "May as well keep drinking until I pass out".

If I went to bed too late, I would not think to myself "I guess 3am is a new bed time from now on".

Every time I fuck up a bit food wise and I have a urge to fuck up all the way, I now stop sit down take couple of breaths and think "Okay so I had a bigger dinner than I have have planned for, I went over by 300 kcal, time to stop now and continue for the rest of a day like nothing happen". I no longer stop to think "well may as well have ice cream, bottle of beer and order pizza for supper" it doesn't help me and I wouldn't do it for anything else so why do it here?

As with everything little fuck ups happen, we are only human. You don't need to be perfect, you just need to be good enough. We are not exercising at olympic level here, we can be suboptimal. What is important is to snap out from those little fuck ups and just move one.

I remember reading once a story about guy who got his spine broken in car accident. He stepped on a road and car nearly hit him. Rather than stepping back. he turned around and swore at the driver. At this point second car that was driving just behind a speeding driver smashed into him and broke his spine.

His first mistake of stepping on a road didn't injure him. It was his second mistake of not stepping back but shouting that cost him his ability to walk. You can make first mistake, just don't stay there long enough to make a second or third one.

OP I was replying was eating under stress here is how I would tackle it but can be translated to anything.

If you eat when stressed recognise it. Okay you had extra helping because you felt stressed. Recognise it, recognise your stressed. That was your first mistake. Rather than letting it slide into your 2nd mistake, your course of action should be then to reassess, step back and plan for the rest of a day. You now know you are stressed and it will lead to eating more what are you going to put in place to avoid it? You can't help feeling stressed but you can help what you eat. Are you going to plan a menu for the rest of a day, so you know exactly what you will have for lunch and dinner? Are you going to pop to shop, pick up bunch of fruit and maybe carrot sticks and keep those near your desk so when you feel like snacking you can snack on those instead? You made a first mistake, don't make a second one that is all you need to do to stay on track.

submitted by /u/Mustard_The_Colonel
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2WDNJss

Losing belly fat

Male | 5’6 SW: 165 CW: 143 GW: 135

So I’ve been on this weight loss journey about 100 days now. I know it hasn’t really been long but I’ve lost a lot of weight and I’m happy about it.

For the most part I look very thin from the outside. The only thing I can’t seem to lose is chest fat and mostly love handle region. I know for men that tends to be hardest fat to burn.

I was hoping other people could give me some advice or experiences as I’m getting a little frustrated.

After losing so much over 3 months it seems my weight loss has slowed and I only lost 2 pounds this month.

In addition I don’t see much change in the desired area, I just need some motivation to keep on losing with little results.

submitted by /u/Embarrassed-Jury8896
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3yvewnJ

Update: 41m SW: 347 CW: 258 GW: 199 (started January 2021)

So I’m approaching the 8 month mark and 90lbs. I’m also finally entering into a divorce (I’ve posted once previously a few months back). I feel great, I’m looking forward now past the divorce and not a mess, and I’ve learned a lot about my eating habits along the way. I’ve been thinking a lot about whether to expect fat loss to slow since I’m not going to go below 1500 cals.

There are days I get down because at the gym I want to look like “the other guys”. I’m lifting heavy like thenm, sometimes even heavier, but I’m guessing it’s gonna take a few more months to get to where I really look like a fit version of me.

I stopped eating out, except for subway 6” chicken strips on wheat which has been a god send. Small slice turkey sandwiches, apples and dry oatmeal are my other staple foods at home, with the occasional home cooked lean dinner.

I also took a few weeks where my wife had returned home and increased to my maintenance calories, mostly because she is such a detriment to my diet, but also because I’m trying to think long term about how I eat.

In the past couple months I’ve also started hiking, sometimes even jogging uphill on the trail. I do an hour a day on average at a fast pace.

I believe in September I will hit the 100lb weight loss mark based on my current rate of loss and because the wife is now longer living at home where she complicates up my days.

I’m curious what to expect in terms of slow down in fat loss because I also am down to that 1500 calorie mark the lose it app recommends not going below. I’ve thought about alternating 1200 and 1500 calorie days as I really want to be as close to 200 and in more normal size clothes by the end end of the year as possible (or by the conclusion of my divorce lol). So far I’ve been using the 1000 cal per day deficit as a goal.

I appreciate any tips/advice on how to approach this final phase. I know I can’t expect continue to lose at the same rate I have been. I’ll be very happy to get into 2xl clothes for fall and hopefully some XL clothes by winter. The lose it app projected next April I’d be at 199 and daily it suggests end of January to early February when I mark a day complete (I have the paid version so I think that’s a “feature”).

Thanks in advance for you encouragement and wisdom!

submitted by /u/thisismynext_
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3DvRaSG

Small Tip For Keeping the Weight Off

When you're losing weight, your bodies natural set point is also dropping as well. Losing 2lbs instead of 1lbs may feel like faster progress, but really it's only a temporary benefit and it will not be sustainable long term. You will have insane cravings and even potentially have lowered energy levels. The faster the weight comes off, the higher your set point will remain and it will be very easy to gain it all back.

Don't be afraid to lock in your weight loss gains, maintaining a new bodyweight for month or two may not feel as rewarding, but just know that your body is adapting to the new weight and you still are making progress even at a stable bodyweight.

submitted by /u/JJZinna
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3kCJl4P

Monday, August 30, 2021

[NSV] I ran a 10k

9 months ago I was obese, perpetually uncomfortable in my own skin, and could not imagine running a mile at anything resembling jogging speed.

Over the weekend, I ran (not walked) a motherfucking 10K. 10K. 6.2137 goddamn miles.

I’m about 60lb down thanks to Noom (which is maybe a controversial program here??) and within spitting distance of a “normal” BMI. Weight loss isn’t everything. I’m still learning to love myself. And part of that self love is accepting that it’s ok to shout your victories from the rooftops, big or small.

Without this subreddit I would not have started my weight loss journey. And before I started getting healthy I really, truly, at my core, would have never believed I could run a 5k let alone a 10K.

It’s worth reiterating: You can do this.

If you’re just starting out, getting healthy is worth the tough times, the new routines, and the general struggle that comes with big life changes. You have the capacity to make it happen.

If you are at a plateau, keep pushing. You’ve got this. Keep making healthy choices and your body will catch up to your new lifestyle.

If you’ve reached your goal, CELEBRATE! You deserve happiness and health. You’ve fought for this moment so enjoy it!

I’ve still got a lot of work to do (I’m registering for a half marathon next year) but wanted to share a big personal milestone and some positivity with ya’ll ❤️

submitted by /u/PrimeTimeGrime
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3BtKKSm

Going back on a weight lost journey

Last summer I reached my goal weight of 200 lbs but sadly it didn't last. I got back into overeating and not exercising causing me to go back to 227lbs. I am 6'1"M who currently attends college. I'm planning on going back on the weightloss journey but was hoping for a few tips. I lost my weight last time by doing workout videos that only focused on core and having a calorie deficit. However this time I would like to maintain my weight once I reach it which is in the 185lb area. I found that I enjoy lifting because you can see results besides just the weight loss. So currently I am eating about 1,500 calories each day, walking about 30-45 minutes each day due to classes and lifting for around 40 minutes each day. My current workout plan is as follows:

Monday: bicep/back

Tuesday: tricep/chest

Wednesday: legs/shoulders

Thursday: bicep/back

Friday: tricep/chest

Saturday: legs/shoulders

Sunday: rest

This is probably a novice question but will my body burn fat before muscle, and how do I make sure my body burns fat before muscle? Also if you have any pointers or suggestions it would be very much appreciated!

submitted by /u/Altruistic-Coach-561
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3mHeuqC

About how long does losing water weight last?

I’m on my twentieth day of counting calories, and it remains pretty fun. I’m also enjoying losing weight, and every pound of water weight lost right now is just one less actually difficult pound of fat I need to lose… but seeing this kind of loss is a little disconcerting. I’ve been assured that it’s fine since it’s mostly water weight, and that so long as I’m not eating too little and messing up my metabolism there’s nothing to worry about… but I’m just not the biggest fan of how this water is choosing to leave my body.

It’s strangely hard to find information on this, I guess because most topics involving weight loss come back to someone trying to make money in one way or another. Most sources said you could expect to lose water weight in the first week, while one that I can no longer find said losing twenty pounds in the first month isn’t all that strange.

Is there a way to at least roughly estimate how much water weight you’re holding onto relative to body weight, or how long it should take to burn through excess glycogen? Does anyone here remember how long it took them to lose water weight and start seeing more steady, less bonkers losses?

submitted by /u/Chesu
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3n0ScQX

Maintenance Monday: August 30, 2021

If you've reached your goal weight and you're looking for a space to discuss with fellow maintainers, this is the thread for you! Whether you're brand new to maintenance or you've been doing it for years, you're welcome to use this space to chat about anything and everything related to the experience of maintaining your weight loss.

Hey everyone, here's your weekly discussion thread! Tell us how maintenance and life in general is going for you this week! And if you missed last week's (or simply want to reread), here's a link.

If there's a specific topic you'd like to see covered in a future thread, please drop a comment or message!

submitted by /u/satisphoria
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/38vkz0M

Stuck between a fat and a hard place...

Reference pics: https://imgur.com/a/mj39op8 (NSFW due to shirtless man)

Hey everyone, I could use some advice if possible. I've made some incredible weight loss progress in the past two years, I went from 230lb in May 2019 to 150lb now (I'm a 27 year old guy btw.) I did it all by restricting to diet of 1500 calories and at least 130g of protein per day and regular exercise, I was doing a dumbbell workout at home when covid hit but since March 2021 I've been going to the gym 3-4 days per week (mostly PHUL) and doing LISS walking on the other 2.

However I'm not sure what my next step should be, I still have notice body fat (from what I can estimate with calipers around 16%) but I'm also starting to look pretty bony. I have what I think is a pretty solid foundation of muscle so at this point I don't know if I should be bulking, cutting, maintenance, or anything else. I've read that bulking with noticeable body fat will just make you look lumpier but I also feel like the more I cut the more emaciated I look sometimes. I was also told that eating at maintenance and lifting heavy is just spinning my wheels and the cutting/bulking cycle is more effective. I appreciate the help, thanks!

submitted by /u/LinkSkywalker
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What keeps you motivated when you need a push?

Motivation can be one of the hardest things to find, and I'm curious what you all do for motivation.

Stress has always been tough for me to deal with. I used to have a very physically active job, so I never really worried about what or when I was eating. If I was stressed at work, it was because I was working really hard, and in a weird way it felt good. Chances were I was going to need those calories, and they would get burned off eventually.

2 years ago I started a new job. It's so much better in every way, but I am not nearly as active every day as I used to be. I compensate this with exercise. I like riding my bicycle, I go for walks after work, hiking, tennis, lots of activities keep me active and my heart healthy.

My achilles' heel is stress. I eat when I'm stressed. I try to fight it off, but stress often gets the best of me. Eating has been one of my ways of self medicating.

Today I got home after a really good day. I felt good about what I ate, I feel good about what I accomplished at work, and I feel like if I keep up some good momentum I can reach my weight loss goal.

I know that sooner or later I will have a hard day, and fall into eating my stress. It's going to be hard for me to stay motivated after a tough or long day. There aren't many things that comfort me like food does, which makes it hard to find motivation.

I'm curious how you all stay motivated. After a tough day, what do you think of to give yourself that push?

Thanks for reading! Looking forward to hearing your thoughts.

submitted by /u/chip008
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Waiting for my body to catch up with my lifestyle (+50 pound milestone progress pictures)

This is my first time posting progress pics 🥺 45 pounds difference between these pictures, I'm 51 pounds down now. 35ish to go?

Anyway, for me, that's basically what weight loss is at this point.

Over the course of 7 and a half months, I've turned around my eating habits to the point that I cringe when I think about my old diet. I have a fridge filled with fruits and veggies, and I've had tomato salads probably 5 days in the past week just because I love them so much (seriously, tomatoes + balsamic vinegar + any tangy cheese + greens). I'm no longer forcing myself to eat things for h e l t h. Counting calories taught me how to get the most bang for my buck, and that bang is fresh produce.

I love to go on looong walks and play Pokémon Go, and I just got a bike for groceries and my commute, and simply for fun! My job is running around a college campus every day as IT, so I'm carrying 20 or 30 pound computers and monitors a long distance pretty often. I'm active and I love it!

I lived on my own for a few months and that really cemented in my habits. I don't even think about it anymore, these are just the foods and activities I love. I can still scarf down half a pizza, but I don't feel the need to do so 4 times a week anymore.

However... you'd look at me and you probably wouldn't think I live like this 😅 I'm not as big as I was, but I'm still obviously overweight. My body just hasn't caught up to my lifestyle yet! I can't wait to get to the point where I LOOK healthy, so I've just been coasting until I do. I'll get there!

submitted by /u/CannibalCaramel
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Trying again

This is my first reddit post. I been struggling with 2 different EDs on and off for about 6 years. I had a huge success over quarantine where I lost 80lbs from 270lbs to 190lbs (my lowest bw)in a relatively healthy fashion. I got really into fitness and self improvement and really thought I was going to change my lifestyle for good. I began focusing more on my body composition rather than the number on the scale. I decided to stop tracking my calories so closely as it is time consuming and also exhausting. I became a little more lax on my diet and slowly but surely I fell into old habits again, specifically binging. I know I could physically do the work because I proved it to myself this past year, but I have so much trouble overcoming the mental aspect of weight loss, which people never realize how much more difficult that part is. I enjoy the gym, but it’s really hard when I battle this urge at night. I’m back to 215lbs and my body composition has deteriorated quite a bit. I don’t like looking at myself in the mirror anymore. I been fighting myself, by myself, for quite a long time. I ws hoping someone could recommend a male support group of men possibly going through the same shit I am, or just on their weight loss journey. It’s hard to find men who are willing and open to talk about issues like this. I think it’d work wonders for me in order to get back on track, to have a group that can share some similar stories. If no one knows about a group like this, I’d love to start one if there are other people out there struggling right now.

submitted by /u/Unfair_Opening6094
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Discouraging when the scale just keeps going up

A few years ago I did a weight loss journey that lasted about a year and I dropped 15kg (33lbs). I maintained that for about 2 years but as is the case with so many others, the pandemic killed my streak. I’m now up 7kg (15lbs) and strapped in to my MyFitnessPal-mode, aiming for the sustainable but slow progress. I’m hitting anywhere around 1350-1500 kcal a day with some mild exercise at the gym, not so much that I’ll tire myself out while getting used to the caloric deficiency but enough to keep me sane and all that. I’ve only been going on for 4 weeks but I’m so extremely discouraged by that stupid scale. I weight myself every morning to get some kind of median over the week so far it hasn’t moved much in any way, but today my weight was 2kg OVER my starting weight and I’m so, so tired. Fatigued, actually. I’m so fed up at being deficit, at restraining myself, at not getting to eat nice things or feeling satisfied. All I can feel now is that I just want to give up, be fat, not care anymore. I know that I need to be in this for the long haul, keep at it when it’s hard, take one day and one hour at the time but I’m just. So. Tired. I just want a big plate of comfort food and stuff my face with candy.

submitted by /u/Fiiko
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Disgusted with myself: needing help

Hello all, I (F25) have been on a weight loss journey for over a year now. I went from being 5’3”ish and 185-195lbs down to 120lbs. I’ve since shot up to 140 with school starting back. I’m working three jobs and not eating like I should. I see myself fat in the mirror again and I’m miserable. I don’t want my boyfriend to touch or even look at me. I’ve got to get the weight off. But I’m not sure how to start again. I work 7 days a week from 7am to 8-9pm between classes and my job. I have two dogs and a new kitten, and I just don’t know what to do. My boyfriend is many things, a loving supporting partner, a good man, intelligent, funny, etc. but a cook this man is not. He can’t cook. And I don’t have time. Are there options for me that I’m not seeing?

submitted by /u/FreedomDragon01
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10 Simple Hacks to Help You Drink More Water

Water is required by each cell of your body in order to function normally and help you become the “healthiest you.” While your body will also obtain water from other fluids you drink, water is far-and-away the best choice. Water has so many benefits from increasing energy and relieving fatigue to boosting your immune system and of course, also promoting weight loss. One way that water helps with your weight loss journey is by fueling your workouts. If you’re dehydrated, your workouts will not be as effective. But water also helps you feel full and potentially eat less. Sometimes a glass of water is enough to curb what you thought was hunger.

While you probably already knew the importance of water, you still might struggle with fitting in all that extra hydration. Sometimes it’s even just a matter of getting so busy that you forget to keep up with drinking. We know you’ve heard a lot of tips before, but we did some research and have come up with 10 more water-drinking-hacks that you can add to your arsenal. Try these easy ways to drink more water:

1. Set an Alarm

If you’re like most people you probably always have your phone on you. Well now you can use that alarm for more than your early morning wake-up call. Set an alarm to go off every hour to remind you to drink up. It’s so easy to get caught up with what you’re doing and fail to drink as much as you should but this will help provide an easy reminder.

2. Band It

If you’re more of a visual person, this hack is for you. Start your day with at least eight rubber bands around your wrist. Each time you drink about a cup of water, remove one rubber band. Make sure you’ve removed them all by the end of the day and you’ll know you fit in your eight (or more) cups that day.

How Much Water Do You Really Need? How to Know

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3. Hashmark your Bottle

Another visual reminder, by using a permanent marker to add hashmarks to your water bottle, you can know exactly where you stand with water consumption for the day. Next to each hashmark write a time which corresponds with the time you plan to drink up. When the clock strikes that time, drink until you’ve hit the next hashmark.

4. Buy a Water Bottle You Love

It sounds silly but investing in a bottle that you really love just may help you drink more. There are a lot of bottles on the market. In fact, if you’re not much of a DIY type of person, they even sell water bottles that are already hashmarked (per the suggestion above). There are water bottles that allow you to easily infuse fruit and others that advertise keeping your drink cold all day long. Or you could even just buy a cup with a straw that has a favorite saying or character on it. Something as simple as a cup you love just may be the motivation you need.

How to Buy the Best Water Bottle

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5. Set a Rule

Another way to remind yourself is to set a rule based around a regular occurrence. For instance, you could decide that every time you go to the bathroom you have to drink one more cup of water. If you have another ongoing occurrence throughout the day, you can set your cup drinking to that. It just serves as an easy reminder to tie it to something you’re already regularly doing.

6. Eat Your Water

There’s no rule that says you must drink all your water. If you really struggle with water consumption try adding more water-packed foods to your day such as watermelon, cantaloupe or cucumber. This will help boost your intake even if you’re struggling with drinking it all down.

Trouble Drinking Enough Water? 10 Hydrating Foods You Need to Be Eating

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7. Switch your Brand

You’ve probably already heard the tip about adding flavor to your water to make it tastier but maybe just switching your brand could make a difference. Or maybe you prefer mineral water. If you’re currently drinking unfiltered water, invest in a filter and see if that makes it more appealing. If you make your water more enjoyable, you’ll likely drink more of it.

8. Add a Straw

Some people find that drinking from a straw is easier. It’s a simple switch but might be worth trying if it will help you drink more water. Whether you drink from a straw or not, sipping water—as opposed to gulping it down—is always much more pleasant so focus on taking it slow and you just may find you can fit more in.

Bloated Belly? Address These 7 Causes to Get Rid of It for Good

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9. Start Early

If you’re like a lot of people you might kick off your morning with a glass of juice or a cup of coffee. Why not try drinking a glass of water before anything else? One of the biggest issues with fitting in eight cups a day is that most people don’t start their water consumption until late morning as they’re typically drinking something else first. But if you make water your first drink of the day you’re setting yourself up for success. In fact, you might even find you don’t need that glass of juice now that you’re fully hydrated on healthy H20.

10. Add Ice

Again, simple but effective. Adding ice may make your water more appealing—particularly on a hot day or after a work-out. You can even take it a step further and use ice as the way to add flavor to your drink. Freeze ice cube trays full of fruits or herbs and plunk them in your drink for both a boost of flavor and a temperature cool down.


The post 10 Simple Hacks to Help You Drink More Water appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf https://ift.tt/2P0thfG

Just need some words of encouragement after an embarrassing first day at work because of my weight

My stats: F, 25, 130kgs. I’ve just started a 3 month placement block as a student radiographer. I freaking love this job and I was so excited to be in a new site with new machines and to really get hands on. Then came the time for me to assist with a fluoroscopy procedure (live-action xrays basically). For these procedures, as radiographers we remain in the room while the exposure is happening and we need to wear Lead gowns to protect ourselves. I tired on the first lead gown and it was too small, same with the second, and finally the third mostly fit, but it didn’t fully wrap around the bottom of me. They let me stay for the procedure but the whole changing into 3 different gowns before one even fit semi-well was crushing. And now I’m so hesitant to go in again not only because to me, it was embarrassing as hell, but I also don’t feel fully protected as the gown doesn’t wrap around my lower half properly. I just need some encouraging stories of successful weight loss, tips and tricks and some easy exercise methods I could implement to help me along my journey. Thanks fam ☺️

submitted by /u/While-Forsaken
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Where to start?

F, 28, 257lb.

Ive been tracking everything I eat on MFP for the last two weeks (almost religiously - missed recording my evening meal on one day and can't remember what it was). My TDEE is 2300 so I put my goal on MFP for 2000 and I've consistently exceeded it by at least 300, usually more like 600.

I have no discipline. I'm eating too many snacks (chocolate, ice cream, brownies) and I know that I need to not, but I still keep doing it. I need to find a way to shove more protein in there. I can't stand being hungry.

Does anyone have any tips? I know this mess is my own fault, and my doctor has referred me to a weight loss clinic which will be helpful, but I have another medical issue that's being investigated that might be due to my weight, so I need to make a start.

My breakfasts are pretty good - the habit I've been working on the last two weeks is preparing breakfast in advance: I've been doing various overnight oats recipes with Greek yoghurt, and I'm going to switch it the highest protein content one I've seen. For lunches I usually have a chickpea salad or fajita - it really is the snacking I'm falling down on, but from what I've seen of other posts, I think I do need to try and get some more protein in too.

submitted by /u/wheelzup99
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/38mqt4j

Day 1? Starting your weight loss journey on Monday, 30 August 2021? Start here!

Today is your Day 1?

Welcome to r/Loseit!

So you aren’t sure of how to start? Don’t worry! “How do I get started?” is our most asked question. r/Loseit has helped our users lose over 1,000,000 recorded pounds and these are the steps that we’ve found most useful for getting started.

Why you’re overweight

Our bodies are amazing (yes, yours too!). In order to survive before supermarkets, we had to be able to store energy to get us through lean times, we store this energy as adipose fat tissue. If you put more energy into your body than it needs, it stores it, for (potential) later use. When you put in less than it needs, it uses the stored energy. The more energy you have stored, the more overweight you are. The trick is to get your body to use the stored energy, which can only be done if you give it less energy than it needs, consistently.

Before You Start

The very first step is calculating your calorie needs. You can do that HERE. This will give you an approximation of your calorie needs for the day. The next step is to figure how quickly you want to lose the fat. One pound of fat is equal to 3500 calories. So to lose 1 pound of fat per week you will need to consume 500 calories less than your TDEE (daily calorie needs from the link above). 750 calories less will result in 1.5 pounds and 1000 calories is an aggressive 2 pounds per week.


Here is where it begins to resemble work. The most efficient way to lose the weight you desire is to track your calorie intake. This has gotten much simpler over the years and today it can be done right from your smartphone or computer. r/loseit recommends an app like MyFitnessPal, Loseit! (unaffiliated), or Cronometer. Create an account and be honest with it about your current stats, activities, and goals. This is your tracker and no one else needs to see it so don’t cheat the numbers. You’ll find large user created databases that make logging and tracking your food and drinks easy with just the tap of the screen or the push of a button. We also highly recommend the use of a digital kitchen scale for accuracy. Knowing how much of what you're eating is more important than what you're eating. Why? This may explain it.

Creating Your Deficit

How do you create a deficit? This is up to you. r/loseit has a few recommendations but ultimately that decision is yours. There is no perfect diet for everyone. There is a perfect diet for you and you can create it. You can eat less of exactly what you eat now. If you like pizza you can have pizza. Have 2 slices instead of 4. You can try lower calorie replacements for calorie dense foods. Some of the communities favorites are cauliflower rice, zucchini noodles, spaghetti squash in place of their more calorie rich cousins. If it appeals to you an entire dietary change like Keto, Paleo, Vegetarian.

The most important thing to remember is that this selection of foods works for you. Sustainability is the key to long term weight management success. If you hate what you’re eating you won’t stick to it.


Is NOT mandatory. You can lose fat and create a deficit through diet alone. There is no requirement of exercise to lose weight.

It has it’s own benefits though. You will burn extra calories. Exercise is shown to be beneficial to mental health and creates an endorphin rush as well. It makes people feel *awesome* and has been linked to higher rates of long term success when physical activity is included in lifestyle changes.

Crawl, Walk, Run

It can seem like one needs to make a 180 degree course correction to find success. That isn’t necessarily true. Many of our users find that creating small initial changes that build a foundation allows them to progress forward in even, sustained, increments.


You will struggle. We have all struggled. This is natural. There is no tip or trick to get through this though. We encourage you to recognize why you are struggling and forgive yourself for whatever reason that may be. If you overindulged at your last meal that is ok. You can resolve to make the next meal better.

Do not let the pursuit of perfect get in the way of progress. We don’t need perfect. We just want better.

Additional resources

Now you’re ready to do this. Here are more details, that may help you refine your plan.

* Lose It Compendium - Frame it out!

* FAQ - Answers to our most Frequently Asked Questions!

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Sunday, August 29, 2021

Life Change

New here! 23F SW:333 GW: 180 CW:312

Well to start I've been overweight my entire life, I can't remember the last time I fit into "straight" size clothing. I started getting serious about my weight loss at the beginning of July 2021 after my father had his leg amputated due to diabetes with a slew of other health problems. Seeing his health fail tremendously fast, it made something in my brain click. I knew I had to lose weight to keep myself healthy so I didn't go through the same thing. So if anyone has any words of encouragement for me, or any recipes or books, anything that helped you with your journey it would be greatly appreciated. Also My doctor talked about prescribing me phentermine if anyone would like share their experience with that, I'm still on the fence.

submitted by /u/xHolyBananasx
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Feeling so down on myself

I know I’m just having “a day” but I’m not feeling very positive about this weight loss journey. My stats: 45F SW 311 CW 297 I have been heavy all my life but I have never been as heavy as I am now. I wish I was back at 200 lbs when I was 21 and thought I was gross! lol. Now I’m about to turn 45 and I’m trying desperately to stay under 300. I have bounced up and down, dropping to 240 and a size 14 after my second child. I was then diagnosed with UCD and Sjögren’s syndrome and had to take a desk job. I have tried to say F*CK it! I love my body, no matter what size it is, but I just can’t do it. I feel like so much of my self worth is tied to the number on the scale. And now to make it worse, the reconstructive (not cancer thank God) breast surgery has been put on hold until I am under 40 BMI.

I know I have a million and four reasons to lose weight but I also have 40+ years of failure so I don’t know how I will succeed this time.

TYIA for listening to my pity party! 😀

submitted by /u/bitofeuphoria
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You can't outrun a bad diet, but you do need to outrun a slow metabolism. 45F, SW 306, CW 304 (3 months)

Hi everyone. I've resisted posting here so many, many times. After all, what can one person's story add to the millions of other tales of woe and success? Well, it turns out that my most recent experience is very new to me, despite decades of knowledge and effort. Maybe it can help someone else.

Backstory: At my highest, just following the birth of my first child 7 years ago, I was around 350lbs. Prior to that (about 20 years ago), my HW was 334. Between that time and now, I have gained and lost so many times - the same as so many of us. The more serious efforts involved a whole lot of protein shakes and bars and blood tests and weekly meetings. They worked, kind of, but that's not living. Over time, those 900-1200 calorie/day diets sapped my caloric setpoint to where I can eat very little and still not lose weight. Throughout most of these attempts, I didn't do much ion the way of exercise. After all, in my 20s and 30s, it wasn't necessary. I could eat very little and lose 6-10 lbs a week. Besides, I have an ongoing hip issue that creates a lot of pain. It's an excellent excuse.

Fast forward to this year. We moved into a beautiful new house surrounded with walking and biking trails and hundreds of beautiful, fit people. I told myself that I would work hard to "deserve" living here (my words, only slightly sarcastic). The neighborhood has its own swimming pools, gyms, and I've set up my own gym equipment. Unfortunately, my hip issue has gotten so bad that using these opportunities feels like climbing a mountain just to get ready. So I figured that I would just try to lose 20 lbs the old way, by focusing on food and I'd feel great in a couple of months and become superwoman.

I hired a nutritionist and a life coach to help me with habit formation and getting away from my mental blocks on the topic. I was ready to do this! Aaaaannnnnd. Nothing. I decided to move to a meal service so I could more accurately track my intake and focus on calories and macros.

I've lost 2 lbs in 3 months. I mean, it's something, but I still can't get my socks on in the morning. I'm eating 1400 calories/day, my coaches want me eating 1800 (I just can't. I'm too full at 1400 as it is), my doctor wants me doing bariatric surgery (pointless, since I'm not overeating), my insurance won't approve Wegovy until I've done another 3 months of supervised diet shakes, and my TDEE is either 2500 or 1655, depending on the calculator (clearly it's the latter value).

This gives me two choices - go back on the rapid weight loss path and feel utterly miserable and gain everything back again later or stay the course, keep learning proper behavior patterns, and try to increase my metabolic rate - even though it'll take a lot longer. I'm tired, depressed, and on the verge of tears frequently. But I have to keep trying, and now I need to face the real, physical pain and fatigue and start becoming a lot more active.

I would love to hear stories of people who overcame their body's reluctance to lose weight and how you did it. What got you in the habit? What got you past the pain?

submitted by /u/faelanae
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Tips for exercise/weight loss while living in snow

Anyone else live where it snows or extremeley cold (-30) most of winter? If so, what do you do for exercise? Especially is you are outside most of the time during spring/summer/fall?

Or if you don't change up your exercise routine, do you eat differently during winter to avoid putting on winter weight?

I am living in a beautiful part of the US and just got a stationary bike for the winter months. I know I will not want to leave most days as it's so cold, it's -27 some days, even with the sun out. Trying to plan a better routine this coming winter season and looking for some ideas.

Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/000fox000
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2WATc2Z

30 Day Accountability Challenge - September Sign Ups

Hello lovely losers! It's almost September, which means it's time for a new DAC.

For the newbies to the sub reddit, please start here, so much good info!



And hey, maybe it’s not a bad idea to review them anyway to you returning conquerors. I do occasionally to remind myself of the basics.

Here’s what we do in the DAC my friends!

This is the sign up post (and day 1) to outline your goals, weight loss, self care, creative, whatever keeps your motor going.

There will be a daily update post for you to chime in about how day whatever is going!

At the end of the month, there is a wrap up post to reflect on the progress you made or didn’t make & what you learned. Learning is progress my friends!

We try to foster a supportive, caring place to discuss the actual day to day of deficits & counting & caring so much about how we fuel our bodies & lives. So be kind, interact if you like & hopefully you feel supported by the internet version of a push up bra! Leading by example, here I go!

Weigh in daily, enter in Libra & remove moral judgement/stigma/shame directed at yourself about it: Keeps me honest.

1800 calories (tracking in 5-day cycles, Friday/Saturday at maintenance):

Exercise 5 days a week: Would like to be doing more strength work & HIIT. X/X days.

Alone time to word vomit into journal: Keeps me sane.

Todays gratitude list: Today I’m grateful for -

Express gratitude to today me for good choices: Thanks, I hate it.

Your turn losers! How is your September going to go?

submitted by /u/Mountainlioness404d
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I lost 10 pounds!

Buckle in because I think this will be a long one. here’s a link to all the photos I’ll be talking about

I’ve struggled with my weight since middle school. Before that, I was one of those kids who was a bottomless pit for food and never gained an ounce. Once I hit puberty at around 12 it all caught up with me, and I was one of the first girls in my group of friends who developed breasts and as I’m sure many of you know they don’t come without “curves” in many other places also. As a girl who grew up in the early 2000s, we were told a normal body weight was “fat” and very thin was idealized, there was a lot of pro-ana propaganda on the internet. It didn’t take much influence for me to begin to hate my body, eat my feelings, and punish myself afterwards.

This continued until about junior year of high school, where I leaned up a bit (despite almost no changes in my lifestyle) which convinced me that I must have “lost my baby fat” and that I would be thin from now on. (Narrator: “she would not be thin from now on”)

I started college in the fall of 2014 and moved out with my then boyfriend and a roommate. As most poor college students do, I began eating poorly, drinking, and letting the very stressful lifestyle of working and schooling determine how my days went. Coupled with that and a very unhealthy relationship I found myself again turning to food to help me cope with my feelings. As I started to pack on the pounds I felt more and more out of control of my body and myself. This came to a head when I decided to shave my head in 2017. I was horrified with what I looked like, I had no more hair to hide behind and I felt vulnerable and I couldn’t recognize myself (not to mention my then-boyfriend agreed that he didn’t like it -thanks bud)

I decided that it would take about as long to lose weight as it would to grow my hair out, and there wouldn’t be a better time to start working on myself. I started small, and did little floor workouts in the mornings before work. Eventually I had lost around 18 pounds after about a year. It wasn’t much longer after that when I ended my relationship. Sounds great to end a toxic relationship so I can continue to work on myself, right? Wrong. That summer (2018) I got evicted from our shared duplex because I couldn’t afford rent and my new roommate didn’t have her share either. I was effectively homeless and it would take 9 months for me to find a stable home again. Once I did, guess what? Yep. You guessed it - I went right back to comfort eating.

This time I outdid myself and surpassed my all time high of 175lbs (79kgs) and made it to 199lbs (90kgs) as my highest weight of my life. Without getting too off track, the shit show had only intensified with other aspects of my life and that left me feeling helpless, further compounding the helplessness of my weight gain and bad habits. I had no motivation to be better anymore, I felt spent from my first big weight loss and didn’t want to start all over and do it again to only potentially have this happen again.

In July of this year, where conveniently I weighed the most that I ever have, I decided to make a life altering decision to join the US Coast Guard. I got my study book and called my recruiter and he told me “your application looks great - but I need you to be 160 pounds or less” (72.5kg) and i knew what I had to do. I really, really wanted this. Finally I wasn’t motivated by looks or how I felt about my body. I was motivated because I will have to run 1.5 miles (2.4km) in 15 minutes, do 39 sit-ups in a minute and 15 push ups in a minute to graduate boot camp, and before I can do that I need to lose 40lbs (18.4kg). I got a personal trainer, I dedicated myself to a sustainable calorie deficit with appropriate macros, and started going to the gym every day.

Today, I weighed in at 188lbs (85.3kg) which is my first 10lbs (4.5kg) lost since I started. I hope to be at my goal weight by December, and then re-evaluate a new goal weight for my new lifestyle. For the first time I’m making sustainable changes and I know that I can really change for the better, and I won’t be yo-yoing 50 pounds until the end of time.

It may only be 10lbs, but i feel so proud of myself already and can’t wait for the next 10lbs.

submitted by /u/Shitposies
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3DlteRM

i feel discouraged now that im so close to my goal

hey, what's up everyone? hope you all are having a wonderful day! Haven't been on here much lately but I hit a little bump in my weight loss journey so I was hoping to come here for some support.

I've been feeling pretty good. I stopped weighing myself on the scale the past month or so cause I am close to my goal weight. I'm doing intermittent fasting and intuitive eating. So far I had lost around 60lbs.

I did my measurements a couple months ago so I thought it would be a good idea to measure again and see what I lost in inches instead of the scale.

I did my measurements and I lost 2.5 inches from my chest and half an inch from my waist. Also, 1 inch off my hips. If you look at my pictures in my profile, you'll see why this is discouraging.

I ended up weighing myself right after and I've lost almost 10 lbs since I did the measurements. I'm a little bit over 150 now. my goal weight was 145. My belly is still huge and now im losing inches off my chest which I had not noticed before in my weight loss journey (same bra size until now).

It's messing with my head. if my belly is not gonna get smaller, i dont want my boobs to get smaller. I know that probably sounds stupid and maybe some people wont understand and im sorry if i sound like I'm complaining, I'm just discouraged after this weight loss journey and feeling really un attractive.

submitted by /u/applepuddin
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3kCeEwG

Concerning behavior or??.

Quick story I'm an ex overweight woman and in January signed up at a gym and starting bodybuilding, and am in the normal weight range and happy with how my body looks for the first time ever.

Over the last month I've noticed if I don't go to the gym my mood for the day is terrible, I feel terrible, and I feel like I have to get on my treadmill and run or run outside to make up for it.

If I can't get to the gym I'm finding myself obsessing with exercising on my treadmill and the calories I can burn off or just not eating a meal so I don't go over my calorie intake (since I couldn't/didn't exercise) that day.

I'm really starting to wonder if this is ED exhibition of habits or if this is "just a stage" I'm at in my weight loss journey....

Edit: I am a competing in a bikini competition next year also and still have more weight to lose for that before I'm really ready to step on stage

submitted by /u/chesterssecret
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3DpP0nv

Concerns about my calorie deficit.

Hello everyone, so I've just decided to start my weight loss journey again. I am a 127kg 20-year-old male, first of all really big changes have occurred. I had to cut out a lot in order to realize my calorie deficit. I've made loads of sacrifices I removed iced coffee drinks and to my shock, I haven't had fast food in over a week. I substituted a lot of it for healthier home-cooked meals keeping an eye on the calories making sure they were below 2500 a day. So far great success I was 130kg at the start of the week and my current weight is 127kg. However here is where I think I may have messed up, I set a target for "below 2500 calories" but I didn't specify how far below. So by the end of the day, I realized I had only consumed 700 calories and gone "okay great" I thought "oh well it's low but I am satisfied" pushed it to the back of my mind... big mistake.

On the days I ate around 700 calories I got hunger cravings like you would not believe I kept telling myself "no your full you're full!" then sometimes I would get to the next morning and eat breakfast or just snack on low-calorie foods. This gave me great weight loss in the short term but I had terrible side effects I got up to go to the bathroom and nearly passed out in fact this happened multiple times throughout the week my hearing and my vision would vanish.

Now here was something I found out which was quite interesting. Days I let myself go and eat more I ended up at 1700 calories and completely stopped eating, that was when I was full, I felt great hardly any issues at all, and without fail it was always 1700 calories no more no less. I began to wonder "why do I stop eating at 1700 calories?" I'm not really sure it almost feels like 1700 calories is the healthy target I should be setting especially considering I seem to experience fewer cravings and hunger at that range. Is this optimal for someone like me is my body just naturally aiming for it because that's the case or should lower my calorie deficit just a little bit.

Thank you I look forward to your answers and I will read them all and take them into account.

submitted by /u/RadsXT
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3h1tJan

11 Tasty Smoothies You Can Make With Your Nutrisystem Shakes

Protein shakes are fantastic to have on hand. They take mere minutes to prepare, they’re easy to take on the go, plus, they make for a tasty treat that can help keep you feeling fuller for longer stretches of time. Nutrisystem Shakes are no exception. With each delicious vanilla and chocolate shake, you get a whopping 15 grams of protein and five grams of fiber… all at just 120 calories.

And that’s not even the sweetest part! While our customers will attest that the Nutrisystem Shakes are totally tasty on their own, you can also doctor them up to suit any kind of craving. Whether you’ve got rich and creamy chocolate on the brain or you’re in the mood for something tropical and refreshing, you can use your protein mixes as a foundation for any number of flavorful concoctions.

Running low on Nutrisystem Shakes? Quick! Click here to stock up > 

Check out this round-up of delicious smoothies you can make with your Nutrisystem shakes:

Helpful hint: Simply click on the recipe name to get the full recipe!

1. Pot of Gold Mint Shake >

shamrock shake
Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day all year long in slim-down style with this sweet and creamy take on a fast food favorite that goes big on flavor but light on calories, fat and sugar. Featuring a flavorful blend of Nutrisystem Vanilla Shake Mix, vanilla almond milk, cashews, mint extract, spinach and ice, this tasty treat is every bit as delicious as it’s calorie-laden counterpart at the drive through, but spares you all the diet destruction.

2. Chocolate Peanut Butter Banana Smoothie >

chocolate peanut butter smoothie
Indulge in this rich, favorite flavor combination to satisfy your cravings while staying on track. Featuring your Chocolate Nutrisystem Shake Mix, reduced-fat peanut butter, a medium frozen banana, and some water and ice, this is a super simple and decadent healthy treat.

3. Pineapple Mango Smoothie >

mango smoothie
Enjoy a tropical getaway with this delicious and refreshing smoothie that is perfect for cooling off on a hot day (or dreaming of warm weather on chilly winter days!). Simply blend water, frozen pineapple and frozen mango with one serving of the Vanilla Nutrisystem Shake and be transported!

4. Berry Delicious Smoothie >

This creamy, dreamy smoothie is bursting with berry flavor. Add one serving of Vanilla Nutrisystem Shake Mix, half a banana, berries, ice, water and non-fat yogurt to your blender and mix until smooth. When available, use locally grown and in-season berries for maximum flavor.

5. Mint Chocolate Chip Protein Smoothie >

thin mint
Feel like you’re indulging in a refreshing and chocolaty ice cream cone or milkshake with this Mint Chocolate Chip Protein Smoothie. Combine low-fat milk, Chocolate Nutrisystem Shake Mix, NutriChocolaty Wafers, ice and fresh mint leaves for a rich and crisp blended treat.

6. Lemon Cooler Shake >

lemon smoothie
Sip this sunny pick-me-up when you when you need a boost of energy or when you are trying to stay cool on a hot day. This sweet and refreshing smoothie will keep you going with it’s delicious and protein-filled blend of Vanilla Nutrisystem Shake, lemon juice, lemon zest, skim milk and vanilla extract. Bonus: You can also swap out the lemons for oranges to enjoy a sweet Orange Creamsicle smoothie.

7. Kiwi Vanilla Smoothie >

kiwi vanilla
Kiwi-lovers will love this tart, yet sweet green smoothie loaded with fresh kiwi, banana and kale and blended with a Vanilla Nutrisystem Shake, water and ice. Indulge in the sweet and vibrant taste of kiwi with a smooth and creamy twist.

8. Red, White and Blueberry Smoothie >

Blend up a colorful and sweet combination of strawberries, blueberries and a Vanilla Nutrisystem Shake packet for a berry-licious smoothie that is packed with flavor and vitamin C. It’s hard to resist the sweet and creamy combination of vanilla and berries, so whip up a large batch to share!

9. Green Tropics Smoothie >

green tropics smoothie
Whip up a cheery combination of pineapple, banana, coconut water, spinach, Vanilla Nutrisystem Shake and ice for a trip to the tropics any time of the year. Delight in the crisp, sweet flavors of this tropical smoothie and enjoy knowing that you are getting a full serving of vegetables.

10. Chocolate Coconut Smoothie >

Chocolate Coconut Smoothie
Indulge in the rich and sweet flavors of chocolate, almond and coconut and you’ll feel like you’re drinking your favorite candy bar! Blend together Chocolate Nutrisystem Shake, half a banana, almond milk, coconut extract and ice, and you are ready to sip a heavenly smoothie that tastes more like dessert than a healthy meal.

11. Mint Chocolate Chip Smoothie >

mint chocolate
This Mint Chocolate Smoothie is everything you want in a creamy, dreamy chocolate smoothie, plus Chocolate Nutrisystem Shake Mix: It’s super simple… and super delicious!

For more delicious smoothie recipes that you can make with your Nutrisystem Shakes, visit the Shakes and Smoothies category in the Recipe Center.

The post 11 Tasty Smoothies You Can Make With Your Nutrisystem Shakes appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf https://ift.tt/2M9H1VR