Wednesday, November 14, 2018

[Daily Directory] Find your quests for the day here! - Thursday, 15 November 2018

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from loseit - Lose the Fat

New study on low carb diets

Effects of a low carbohydrate diet on energy expenditure during weight loss maintenance: randomized trial (

See the link for the full article, but here's the discussion section:

In this controlled feeding trial over 20 weeks, we found that total energy expenditure was significantly greater in participants assigned to a low carbohydrate diet compared with high carbohydrate diet of similar protein content. In addition, pre-weight loss insulin secretion might modify individual response to this diet effect. Taken together with preliminary reports on activation of brain areas involved in food cravings48 and circulating metabolic fuel concentration,49 results of the current Framingham State Food Study (FS)2 substantiate several key predictions of the carbohydrate-insulin model. Regardless of the specific mechanisms involved, the study shows that dietary quality can affect energy expenditure independently of body weight, a phenomenon that could be key to obesity treatment, as recently reviewed.50

The difference in total energy expenditure was 209 to 278 kcal/d or about 50 to 70 kcal/d increase for every 10% decrease in the contribution of carbohydrate to total energy intake (1 kcal=4.18 kJ=0.00418 MJ). This effect is comparable to that obtained by isotopic methods over one month intervention periods in a previous randomized crossover study with 21 adults39 and in a non-randomized crossover study with 17 men,51 after taking into account confounding by ongoing weight loss and other sources of bias.5253 If this effect persisted—and we observed no attenuation from 10 to 20 weeks—it would translate into an estimated 10 kg weight loss after three years for a typical 30 year old man of height 178 cm, baseline weight 100 kg, and average activity level, assuming no change in energy intake ( If reduction of glycemic load also decreased hunger and food intake,36 the long term benefits could be even greater.

The difference in total energy expenditure between low and high carbohydrate diets among those in the highest third of insulin secretion was more than double the difference for those with low insulin secretion, highlighting a subgroup who could do particularly well with restriction of total or high glycemic load carbohydrates. This finding is consistent with results from an animal study,54 a cohort study,55 mendelian randomization analysis,56 and clinical trials.303157 In contrast, the recent DIETFITS (Diet Intervention Examining The Factors Interacting with Treatment Success) trial reported no effect modification by insulin secretion or genetic factors among 609 overweight adults assigned to low fat compared with low carbohydrate diets for 12 months.58 In that study, however, which relied on nutrition education and behavioral counseling, participants were instructed to “minimize or eliminate refined grains and added sugars and maximize intake of vegetables” and other minimally processed foods. Probably for this reason, the reported glycemic load of the low fat diet was very low for a diet that is by nature higher in total carbohydrate, and similar to the value for the lowest glycemic load diets in some previous intervention studies.59Thus, the effects of predisposing risk factors might be attenuated on diets that are generally healthy and specifically low in glycemic load. In support of this possibility, a high genetic risk score for obesity predicted obesity among people consuming high glycemic load sugary beverages but not among non-consumers.60

Similar to our previous crossover study,39 the difference in total energy expenditure between diets was not primarily attributable to resting energy expenditure or physical activity level, which were marginally higher in participants assigned to the low carbohydrate diet (comparisons that could have been underpowered). Other potentially contributory components of energy expenditure include thermic effect of food, activity of brown adipose tissue, autonomic tone, nutrient cycling, fidgeting and related non-exercise activity thermogenesis,61 and changes in the efficiency of movement that we did not capture with cycle ergometry.45466263

A change in metabolism is suggested by hormonal responses to diet. Ghrelin, produced primarily in the stomach, was significantly lower in participants assigned to the low carbohydrate diet, a novel finding. Beyond effects on hunger, ghrelin has been reported to lower energy expenditure and promote fat deposition,6465 providing another mechanistic explanation for our primary outcome. Leptin (an adipocyte hormone that signals body energy stores) was also lower in participants assigned to the low carbohydrate diet, suggesting improvement in leptin sensitivity.66Prospective studies have observed that people with the greatest declines in leptin levels after weight loss have the lowest risk for weight regain.676869

submitted by /u/Jynxers
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

My new weight loss method

Like many people, I've tried calorie counting and failed miserably - always succumbing to "cheating" and never really registering everything I ate.

One day I had the idea of instead of tracking calories just to write down the times when I ate. I was astounded to realize that I was basically eating more or less non stop. As in, I wasn't going more than an hour without eating something.

Being a tech minded person, I immediately wrote myself an app to track and added a system that tells you if you should eat or not based only on when you ate during the day and how hungry you are.

It's been working for me, and I hope it can work for other people too. The low amount of effort required to keep it up and the simplicity of it have really helped to be consistent and dissuaded me a lot from cheating. I know I am self-advertising here but I feel like I'm really onto something that could help a lot of people.

In any case, if you want to give the app a try it's called "the dAIet" on the app store.

submitted by /u/laundrydaywarrior
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Confused in the gym need help.

Hello, fisrt let me say that today was the first time I was in a gym in a long time and I was just lost. I'm over 400lbs and I really want to get started on a workout routine so I went to our apartments gym. My plan was to workout for 30-45 minutes to startout then shower then hop in the pool to relax cause thats all right in the same place. I just moved in with my long time girlfriend and She is very supportive of me and while I am looking for a job I want to use the time to exercise and loose weight.

There were some treadmills that I thought i could walk on for a start of my workout but those seemed to have a with limit of 400lbs and when I got on it I could hear the machine crying. I tried on the elliptical and just felt weird like I was failing around. So after walking around lost getting on and off machines for about 15 min I left. Pethetic I know but there were some guys in there and it was just akward for me.

So am I too big for those machines and should just start my weight loss by walking around the pool? Should I just stick to weightlifting the upper portion of my body? If so which tools do I use? Are there specific things I should focus on since im so big? I need some help getting started with just a normal workout plan to loose weight and get into shape. Thank you for any input you give me.

submitted by /u/xPrime_EVilx
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Las Vegas Food and Paris Hotel Photos from the Half Marathon Weekend

Hello! I just ran the Rock N Roll Las Vegas Half Marathon and have so many tips, pics and fun to recap! I’m going to start with the race expo and hotel – and I’ll be back soon with the run, what I ate and other thoughts on the race known as Strip At Night. Did you run it? Let me know! [ This post is about the travel side of my race weekend. Running and nutrition ifo is coming soon – plus a video. If you want more on that now check out my insta @RunEatRepeat ]

Las vegas half marathon results tips run blog (626x626)

Okay… now let’s talk travel, hotel, logistics and food in Las Vegas.

Las Vegas Paris Hotel Food Travel tips and recap (534x800)

I flew from Orange County to Las Vegas no problemo. It’s a 1 hour flight! (Or a 4 hour drive.) I’ve done both the drive and flights before – going to Vegas is a common road trip when you live in Southern California. Flying vs. Driving depend on who I’m traveling with. There are pros and cons to both.

Packing for Las Vegas and packing for a half marathon… since it was trip for RUN and FUN stuff I had to make sure I had everything I needed for the race PLUS stuff to go out. Usually when I travel for a race I keep it simple with comfy, casual clothes. Vegas sometimes requires un-comfy shoes and 4 different kinds of eyeliner.

packing for Las Vegas Half Marathon rock n roll run (470x626)

In my suitcase (clockwise):

Brooks Happy Pace bag – used as my purse for the plane // floral body suit // belt // comfy jacket // gallon sized bag with running essentials // running shoes // comfy clothes // nude heels // all packed in my pink carry on for short trips.

* Check out my Race Day Packing List for more on how to pack for a destination race *

When I got to Las Vegas I went to the hotel to drop off my stuff before hitting up the expo.

I stayed at the Paris Hotel & Casino on the Strip. It’s a super fun hotel right in the center of the strip – prime location for almost anything you want to do! The room was standard – big bed, desk, sitting area, mini-fridge, iron, hair dryer, shower & tub (my last few hotels have only had a shower and I brought Epson salts for a bath – this time I didn’t bring them).

 Paris Las Vegas hotel travel blog (769x577)Paris Las Vegas hotel travel blog 1 (769x577)Paris Las Vegas hotel travel blog 3 (433x577)Paris Las Vegas hotel travel blog2 (433x577)

Paris Las Vegas hotel travel blog 4 (433x577)

Pro Tip: Unpack when you get to where you’re staying BEFORE going to the expo. Lay out what you’ll wear for the run and from head to toe check that you have everything. This way if you forgot anything you can try to get it at the expo.

A lot of people lay out their “Flat Runner” before a race and share it on Facebook and / or  Instagram. You don’t have to wait until the night before to do this and it gives you the chance to make sure you have everything…

half marathon race flat runner

The Rock N Roll Race expos are always pretty big and exciting!

rock n roll half marathon brooks shoes and running gear 2 (769x577)

And Brooks is a main sponsor of the RnR Race Series so they have an entire store of running shoes, running gear and stuff with the race location/name on it. I’m a big fan of Brooks so I loved this!

The tie-die rainbow shoes are still one of my favorites and I saw them everywhere!

rock n roll half marathon brooks shoes and running gear (433x577)

rock n roll half marathon brooks shoes and running gear 1 (769x577)

Hello and the Night-Life Gear! Make sure you have running gear that’s visible in low light and dark conditions – be safe!

rock n roll half marathon brooks shoes and running gear 3 (433x577)

After the expo I took my stuff back to the hotel then it was time to enjoy Las Vegas! There’s so much to do and see and EAT in Vegas!!

The Paris Hotel has a ton of amazing food and drink options. (So many of the hotels do – there are tons of options!) You can sit outside for dinner and watch tons of people pass by – everyone’s in a fun mood. I’ve had a lot of delicious food in Las Vegas on past trips – it’s definitely another reason to visit.

rock n roll half marathon brooks shoes and running gear 4 (433x577)

Love when the garnish is edible! My fancy drink had an edible flower in it!!

what i ate before half marathon tips (433x577)

what i ate before half marathon tips 2 (769x577)

what i ate before half marathon tips 1 (769x577)

There’s a restaurant in the Eifel Tower too! They have fancy cocktails and an amazing view of the strip.

paris casino drinks bar (433x577)

This cocktail has egg white in it – I figured that meant it’s healthy… Winking smile 

what i ate before half marathon tips paris casino drinks (433x577)

Fun fact: I’ve never been to a big Las Vegas show like Cirque de Sole or Britney Spears or J Lo… I’ve visited Vegas so many times I’m kinda surprised.

Next time. Maybe. Tell me if there’s a MUST SEE show I have to get tickets for next time.

Speaking of next time…

The race and what I ate on race day before the half marathon post is coming up next!

Rock n roll half marathon what i ate before run (769x577)

Question: Have you been to Las Vegas?

What’s your favorite thing to do there??

Want more? Check out these posts for more tips and info:

Half Marathon Training Plan & Packing List

Last Minute Race Day Tips – post & podcast episode 21

Travel Tips for Running an International Marathon or Half Race

The post Las Vegas Food and Paris Hotel Photos from the Half Marathon Weekend appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

from Run Eat Repeat

I broke through all the “boss babes” hawking weight loss products and convinced a friend to try CICO

Like many of you, my social media newsfeeds are filled with people, typically stay-at-home moms in their 20s and 30s, trying to sell their MLM products. I’ve seen it all- Lularoe, Essential Oils, Mary Kay, Younique, Rodan & Fields, you name it. Weight loss MLM products have gotten very popular among the circles I run in (many of my friends have had babies and are trying to lose the baby weight).

One of my friends made a post about how she was uncomfortable with her body and wanted to lose weight but had no idea where to start. Of course, all the “boss babes” jumped in immediately- “Come talk to me about Smart Coffee! It’ll change your life!” “Message me about Herbalife!” I cringed thinking that my friend might lose a ton of money on these fad products that really don’t even work.

So I posted about CICO and how it’s helped me drop over 20 pounds. I told her all she would need is to download an app like MyFitnessPal (free), start tracking her food and reading food labels (free), and start measuring her food using measuring spoons and measuring cups that she already owns (free) and buying a basic food scale ($10 or $15 at Target or Amazon). She has kids and a full time job so finding time to exercise is a challenge, but I said that losing weight is 80-90% in the kitchen, and that she could still lose weight without doing any exercise. I emphasized how simple of a method it was, that I still eat what I want (even things like chips or candy on occasion) but that I mostly choose to eat minimally processed, fresh foods.

I was still afraid she was going to fall prey to what the “huns” were selling, but she messaged me today and said she downloaded MFP and is being more careful about what she’s eating! CICO and communities like r/loseit have totally changed my life, and I’m hoping to encourage others that you can lose weight with CICO. I’ve already converted my dad and he’s down 30 pounds.

submitted by /u/afdc92
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Maintenance is tough

Stats: 30F, 5'3", SW 158.8 lbs, CW (3 month average) 135 lbs. Lowest single weigh-in was 129.9 lbs. Lowest weekly average 131 lbs. Goal met in April 2018.

I understand the mechanics of weight loss and maintaining a lower weight. CICO works beautifully for me. It allows me to have higher calorie and lower calorie days, to eat some of my treat foods sometimes, and to have a huge portion of something low calorie and nutritious when I want to eat a lot of food. The flexibility is great for me.

So I know what I need to do to maintain. I have gained an average of 4 pounds since April. If I keep going this way, that will be 8 pounds in a year, which is not what I want to see. And I know exactly what I need to do to get it off - back to eating at a deficit to get my average weight back down.

However, I'm having such a hard time switching back into the mindset of losing. I knew I'd have to keep working and tracking in order to maintain, but I think the long term reality is hitting me and maybe I'm having a hard time really accepting this.

The other thing that has been difficult is exercise. I'm exercising more than ever, which should be a great thing. But now I'm hungrier. It was almost easier to lose when I didn't exercise as much because the hunger was less persistent. So I'm trying to eat more to compensate, but then I'm not seeing results. It was easier when I could just stick with 1200-1300 cals as my range and move on. Now it's tough to figure out the calorie range that will really work with the added exercise.

And then there are just the days when I want to eat more and not care. Which is theoretically fine (if I eat at a slight deficit a lot of the time, a day of overeating won't cause weight gain) but hasn't been working in practice.

So I need to change... And I think that's the part I'm having trouble accepting. What I'm doing is not working. I'm going to regain, slowly but surely, if I keep doing what I'm doing.

I need to...

  1. Find a way to get back into the mindset of losing. I am up on average and I want to get back down, which will take work.

  2. Have less treat days - maybe 2x per month like I did when losing before. I have a form of PTSD and I find that letting go a little bit helps manage my symptoms.

  3. Be compassionate with myself. Maintenance is hard. It's ok that it's hard. I'm learning how to do this and that's ok.

Any other advice or feedback would be greatly appreciated! I am feeling like I need some extra support to get back on this train.

submitted by /u/pumpkin_beer
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from loseit - Lose the Fat