Saturday, February 15, 2020

Be mindful of what you say about the 'old you'...

I recently went through a weight loss transformation, I lost 33% of my body weight! I was hoovering around the morbidly obese category prior to my weight loss and I was very unhappy. I am a little overweight now and nearing towards my goal.

I kept my weight loss to myself at the beginning but it got to the point where I couldn't hide it anymore. People were very nice about it and often asked me a lot of questions about my methods. I don't mind, I actually like discussing it because I have really educated myself on health/fitness and it is nice to share.

The paper towel effect is now in full force for me as I near towards a healthy BMI. I am getting a lot of compliments so I have been discussing it a lot in work recently as people are approaching me on almost a daily basis. Comments are made about my lunch too as I often eat a lot healthier than my coworkers and we generally talk about food a lot! I am also complaining regularly about being tired or sore from exercise lol. So as you can tell, it is a common topic for me in the workplace.

When I talk about myself prior to losing the weight, I would say things like how I was so fat you could barely see my eyes, how I had to shop in a plus size department because nothing else fit anymore, how I could barely walk, refer to myself as a 'mess'. I am open about my weight too so I would share how I weighed so much while being a short woman to emphasise how bad it was. I didn't really see anything negative about this until last week.

One of my coworkers pulled me aside. She told me she weighs the same amount as I did when I started and my comments about myself upset her because that is the place she is at now. I was so surprised, she is super pretty and yes, visibly bigger than me but she carries her weight very well. Not that it matters how she looks, but I couldn't believe how insensitive I had been by saying those things. It genuinely did not cross my mind at all.

It's worse because I have felt exactly that way in the past. I have a very close friend who lost a lot of weight. She started at the same weight as me but is 5 inches taller. She also lost the weight years before me and on a regular basis she would make similar comments about the old her. My heart would sink every time. Now, I found myself doing the same thing and I feel horrible.

I will never ever do this again, one I don't think we should speak so negatively about ourselves to begin with and this has really opened my eyes to that. We should be more compassionate for ourselves too. Also, I would never want to make someone else feel like that.

We can still be proud of our journey but maybe be more mindful! I just thought I would share as I am sure I am not the only one who has made this mistake.

submitted by /u/Greedy-Decision
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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