Sunday, February 2, 2020

Best tip from my weight loss experience: Small goals

So I just wanted to talk a bit about my weight loss, and what I found to be the most successful to do so, which is setting a number of small goals. These were not official, written, or anything like that all the time, just continued to do more and more.

For context, I have been overweight/obese my whole life until I started my weight loss at the end of college, where I focused on it hard. I never had extreme issues with food, just ate too much, and snacked too often, so I just slowly put on weight. I reached a tipping point with a picture on a badge I absolutely hated, and started from then. I started with exercise before big diet changes, just getting exercise everyday in a way I could or would consistently do. This was my first goal, exercise everyday. Once I had that down, I started on my next goal around time, starting with 30 minutes, then 60 minutes, then 90. I probably even had some 75 minutes or 45 minutes in there as well, just incremental goals to get even higher amounts of exercise.

Obviously exercise was not the only thing I needed, diet is even more important. I worked from larger things, like going from larger to smaller snacks, to no snacks, or just certain healthy snacks. At meals I focused on cutting portions, and then focusing on specific meal habits. Eventually getting down to a certain routine with my eating, and while limited in food types, regulated in a way I could consistently do.

This also transferred over to my weight as well, when I started I thought maybe I could get down to 190 lbs, from my 244 starting weight. Well I hit 190, and I still thought I could maybe get to 185 or 180, then I hit 180, maybe 175, and so on, until I got to my current weight which hovers around 150.

There is no way I could have ever felt like I could lose around 95 lbs at the start, and no way I thought I would be exercising daily, and no way I thought I could eat as little as I do now, and feel good. It was all those little goals of trying to do better, that let me do it. I did have slight plateaus, but since my goals were small, it never felt like a huge deal; why get concerned when I was already doing much better than I thought I would originally. The same with eating a few bad meals, or missing exercise. There has been a slight downside mentally to this, where it becomes so regimented that you can be dependent on that, which I have gotten almost all the way over in the last few months. However you can turn this way of thinking to your advantage, make a goal to care less, or eat one meal you think will be too bad for you, not worry when you have to miss exercise, that kind of thing. So that is my tip there.

I guess basically my thought process is similar to how an athlete or what I'm more familiar with, video game speedrunner is, you always want to be improving, you will constantly get close to some limit that is possible, in games that is a hard limit from many mechanics, for a person that is a healthy weight/diet. But you don't get close to that limit instantly, you have to work at it, learn your flaws, and work on them one step at a time. I know this is kind of a ramble, but felt like this was important for me, and might be important for others as well.

tl;dr: Make small goals for everything on your weight loss journey, because it will let you hit higher goals than you thought possible.

submitted by /u/magical3
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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