Saturday, February 1, 2020

Can't lose weight yet but keeping myself motivated until I can.

I want to lose weight but I'm currently pregnant so right now I'm supposed to do the opposite. But I'm motivated to lose weight and am doing what I can to stay that way until I can actually start. Here's what I'm doing/thinking to keep my motivation up:

  • Started eating healthier months ago and just started cutting down on sugar. Not counting calories yet but this should make it easier when I do, I'll eat the same things, just less.
  • In the third trimester people gain a lot of weight, a half to two pounds a week. A lot of people find this discouraging, especially if they're thinking of weight loss, but I thought of a way to make it encouraging instead. I'm currently in the 190s which I'm rounding up to 200. I'm adding 2 pounds for each week left, including the one I'm currently in, which atm is seven weeks so 14 pounds so right now 214. I think of that as my max weight, the most I'll be at the end if I gain the max per week. My actual weight will go up as I get closer but my max weight will go down so I concentrate on the latter when I think about wanting to lose weight. It's cheating but it helps.
  • As I said, I'm in the 190s but since I'm gaining weight atm I may become over 200. If that happens my first weight loss goal will be getting in the 100s again. You lose some weight when delivering the baby so if I don't gain too much I should be able to achieve that goal at the end of my labor. Even if I don't, I won't be too far above it so it should still be a quick goal to reach.
  • With my first pregnancy, after I delivered I ended up at my pre-pregnancy weight. I read it can take months, up to a year, to do that so that was a good feeling when it happened. It's possible it could happen again which would be good. Even if it doesn't I don't think I'd be too far above it.
  • I'm going to breastfeed which burns calories so can help with weight loss but you're also suppose to have more calories to make sure the baby gets enough which might mean no weight loss. After my son's a year old is when I'll truly start trying to lose weight but knowing I could lose some before then is nice.
  • I started reading this subreddit. Then joined reddit so I could join it. Seeing others doing well is encouraging. Also, I could learn things I don't already know that could help me when I start.
  • When I was losing weight before I only concentrated on my weight and only had a few goals: my goal weight and to get out of the obese and overweight categories. It felt like it was taking forever to reach them which made me lose motivation and I ending up stopping and not reaching any. So this time I'm focusing on multiple things and setting extra goals:
  1. Weight - Main goal is goal weight of 120. Secondary goals are getting under 200, under my pregnancy staring weight, and out of obese and overweight. Tertiary goals are getting under every ten pounds as well as under 156 (my highest weight until about 5 years ago).
  2. Measurements & Body Fat Percentage - I'm not taking them yet because my pregnancy would skew the numbers but my main goal would be whatever the ideal ones are for my height. Smaller numbers than weight means these'll go down slower so any whole number changes for these are my secondary goals.
  3. Running - Main goal is to be able to do a 5k. Secondary goal is running a mile. Tertiary goal is to be able to run a minute (I've looked at many Couch to 5k apps and they all start with running for 30 secs to a minute, I can only do about 10-15 seconds without getting winded and needing to walk). I want to get in shape in general but this I have specific goals for.
  4. Clothes - I still have clothes from before and during my weight gain so I have a range of sizes, 8/10 - 20 pants/shorts and XS-2XX shirts. My main goal is to get to whatever fits me at my ideal weight. My secondary goal is to completely get rid of sizes (I think my 20 pants and 2XX shirts should no longer fit immediately/shortly after my pregnancy so good start). My tertiary goals are a piece of clothing that fits becoming too big and something that is too small fitting. As I go down I may have some clothes hit both tertiary goals which'll be an extra boost (too small to fitting to too big? awesome).
submitted by /u/ExcitingBalance
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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