Saturday, February 1, 2020

Getting really annoyed with my family’s comments

hello, I know a lot of people have wrote about something similar to this so sorry if it’s a bit repetitive. I’m a 16 y/o female, sw:158 and current weight around 150. I’m also a recovering bulimic. Although I haven’t lost a massive amount of weight in a short amount of time, my family is still constantly bugging me about eating, my weight, etc. I’ve become vegetarian, and although I’ve been eating a healthy amount of calories and good foods, they still encourage me to eat junk food and the very unhealthy meals they make (they are all obese with various health problems relating to their weight). Not only is this affecting my progress with losing weight, it’s also making my recovery harder. I’ve even opened up to some family members by saying that by encouraging me to eat these large quantities of unhealthy food, I will end up binging and purging, something that my healthy diet has amazingly made me not do. They think they are right and know more than my actual nutritionist and therapist, who all encourage me in my weight loss and know the benefits my change in eating has on my recovery. It’s very frustrating because my willpower isn’t the best, so constantly being around this junk food and being encouraged to eat it halts my progress. Any advice on how to get them to understand, or just have willpower and ignore them? sorry for the rant :)

submitted by /u/dulljeb
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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