Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Do your co workers do this to you?

Starting to get sick of people committing on my weight at work. From 208 to 164. I am now down to normal bmi (164 is the top for normal).body fat is probably around 17%. I keep getting comments from coworkers that I am getting sick of.

One said have you gotten sick from the weight loss? I go no i feel great and she goes well you will get sick. I just said well everyone gets sick at some point so I guess your right.

One said I am happy your lossing weight but maybe you should see a doctor to make sure you are doing it right. And then she went on about how you shouldn't eat meat while on a diet. This is coming from severely obese person. I asked if shes a vegan or some thing and she goes no.

One asked if I have any energy. I was like I bike every day and I just ran a mile in 10 mins. And she said if i keep going i wont have energy. I just wanted to say let's have a race right now 5 miles i will give you a 3 mile head start and i will still win but i didnt say that because i am not rude.

One said my face was starting to look too thin.

People always ask me when I will stop. I said when I get my boy fat to the % I want. And she goes well what weigh is that. It's like I dont know what weight that is I dont have some number just when i am around 10% body fat. Then she said yeah but what weight is that?

One guy went wow you lost a lot what are you going to do when you gain it all back? I just replied I am not going to. I will just weigh myself every day and if it goes up I will cut back on food. I dont think he ment to say it the way it cam out.

I dont get it i never would go up to an over weight person and pick on what they eat or comment on there energy level. I have never said to a coworker being obese like you are I bet you will get sick. So why is it ok for them to say that to me? This never use to bother me but it's starting to.

submitted by /u/johnboyjr29
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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