Sunday, February 23, 2020

I never feel full...

A couple years ago, doing CICO (followed by warrior diet towards the end) I went from 250lbs to 125lbs. I did a big, life changing diet, with my boyfriend, and we were very successful.

I have since gained like 20lbs back, and (since Jan 1) have been re-dieting to get back to a goal weight. Maybe not 125, maybe 130-135 but just a general weight loss before summer hits.

Basically, my general concern about myself... is that I never have a "im full" feeling after meals. I definitely drink a lot of water/no calorie juices before, during, after dinner, but that has never seemed to help me feel full.

We will have tacos tonight... a large plate of chicken taco salad. its a HUGE plate, but still around 500 calories. (we have it often) and 3/4 of the way through, my boyfriend cannot finish. I could easily eat 2 plates. All while drinking and trying to get full.

I have always been like this. I feel like I can eat forever. When we weren't dieting, and/or before our huge weight loss, I could probably eat a whole pizza, plus a whole cake alone. Even at 125lbs, I could eat an enormous amount of food, and never get sick or full.

I think my stomach stretched out, when I was 250lbs. (I believe I was higher at one point, I just never weighed myself when I was obese) and it's probably still the same size, which is why I don't feel full.

I eat protein, whether chicken meats or protein bars and shakes. My boyfriend will grab a 200 calorie 16g protein bar, and literally say his stomach feels full after eating it. I don't think I have ever felt that way, after an enormous meal.

I don't know what to do. I just finish all my food, and still want snacks later. I stay within my calorie limits, but I just wish I could "feel full" so I don't have to eat so much....

I also feel embarrassed that I can eat the entire plate... whereas he couldn't. Then I still grab an english muffin, and some banana or granola bars immediately after dinner. Something snacky.

submitted by /u/snickles19
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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