Tuesday, February 11, 2020

MODS, can we get some new rules in this sub?

We really need to cut down on some of the garbage posts that are dominating this subreddit:

  1. Other people's perceived reactions to a posters weight loss
    1. Usually blown out of proportion
    2. Easy fix: Don't talk about your weight loss
    3. No one at your job gives a shit, if they make a big deal about it they just like drama.
    4. At the end of the day, this is just a get out of jail free card. Maybe you aren't even planning on quitting but this gives you a really good excuse to do it. "I can't risk my job because I want to lose weight" is absolutely not a thing that would ever happen to you, but that's where this line of thought leads.
  2. Celebratory just getting started posts
    1. People get really excited at the prospect of obtaining their perfect body, I get it, but posting how you're turning your life around and immediately getting tons of praise for it psychologically cripples you. You've already gotten the reward(Dopamine hit) with 0 effort, so why actually go work out?
    2. About 2 years ago I started tracking people on this subreddit anonymously who made these types of posts, my conclusions are linked here so I won't get into it. You'll notice the guy who posted deleted the post and his account. If he was a year into his weight loss journey that probably wouldn't be the case. Also he deleted the post but it was about how he just started his weight loss journey, reduced his calories to 4000 a day(yikes), it wasn't hard, and giving people reasons why he could drink 4 liters of full calorie soda every day with minimal affect on his weight loss(its 1680 calories, more than what I consume in an entire day). Basically he was giving out terrible advice and people were posting the classic "You got this!" etc.
  3. "I just started my weight loss journey, but I ate 3 extra value meals from McDonalds tonight on my first day, AND THAT'S OK" posts.
    1. I think these are just for self validation but I'm not really sure. Seems like when they happen the story is always the person lost self control and ate a ton, and now they're looking for people to tell them that it's ok.
    2. In every other support group this is called enabling and it's frowned upon. If someone in AA went on a wild bender, then admit it at the meeting, people give them support, but I don't suspect they tell them that it's acceptable.
    3. Either way, the person gets the lapse excused by the community, and they will be more likely to do it again as they know that people will excuse it no matter what.

I don't want to make anyone feel bad about themselves or their weight loss journey, but I believe these posts do more harm than good and should be looked at for possible moderation.

I'll try to end this with a positive note and tell you posts I love seeing:

  1. Ninja "I've been on my weight loss journey for a year and I lost 60 lbs" posts
    1. These are my favorite ones. People who join the community and only make a celebratory post after a significant milestone.
    2. Bonus points if they tell their story then list out what they did.
  2. NSV posts
    1. These are my second favorite.
    2. Seeing progress in ways other than progress pics or lost weight is awesome, like someones first marathon, hiking goal, etc.
  3. Help posts
    1. Asking for advice or help is always appreciated if it's genuine.
    2. Both the poster and introverted lurkers benefit from this.

All said, I wouldn't even mind if we could turn these topics into a weekly venting thread with disclaimers so new people don't just pop into the sub and get the wrong idea.

submitted by /u/I_wish_I_was_a_robot
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/39vYApf

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