Friday, February 7, 2020

NSV - My boots fit!

Tl;dr is the title

Background: Alright, so I've yo-yoed in my weight loss and weight gain more times than I care to admit in the last couple of years. At my heaviest (early 2018), I was approximately 185 bs; at my lightest (fall 2018), I made it down to about 135lbs. At 5'3", that's several pant sizes. I lost the weight through diligent calorie counting and an intense weight lifting routine and I felt great about myself (and got a belly button piercing)! Well, as often happens in life, I went through debilitating stress in my social and professional life, and I gave up my exercise routine and careful eating and slowly made my way back up to my current maximum of 170 lbs as of the beginning of this year. I felt sluggish and sick (stomach cramps, acne, mood swings, strange hair growth???), and uncomfortable in most of my more attractive clothes (particularly my jeans that painfully rubbed against my piecing, and boots).

Something I discovered in my previous weight gain is that while a lot of clothing can stretch (for better or for worse), knee-high leather boots don't lie. It starts off as a tight fit, then as weight goes on, that tight fit turns into a calf-compressing nightmare, until finally the boots just don't zip (or even if they do, they give an unmistakable calf muffin-top while strangling all circulation from your feet). With my favorite pair of boots that I've had for almost a decade, this transition begins at about 160lbs depending on my current athleticism. I was heartbroken over Thanksgiving/Christmas/New Years when I couldn't wear them.

The victory: At the beginning of the year, I had enough! I started my CICO (aiming for 1200 kcal/day) and weight lifting combined with regular rock climbing again. While I admittedly haven't seen much of a drop on the scale (I know, I know... The beginning of regular exercise is weird like that), I am feeling SO much better! On a TMI level, even my period was much lighter and less painful. I am still barely squeezing into a lot of the clothes I bought at a lower weight, but today I easily slipped my boots on without even unzipping them! I was ecstatic! My husband (who doesn't struggle with his weight and can inexplicably say no to unnecessary food) was pretty nonplussed by my excitement, so I thought you guys might help share my victory.

submitted by /u/Call_me_Mon
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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