Saturday, February 8, 2020


Guys- I’m trying to shed the extra weight and transform my body. I’m 19, losing my hair and bound and determined to change as a person. I’ve been working on positivity, weight loss and muscle gain. I’m 5’9, on the broad side and have large leg muscles from martial arts, walking and being fat for years. I’ve been losing weight since october, and started at 317. I’m currently at 260 and nervous. I’ve noticed I weakened a bit in the arms since I stopped lifting for a while, but this could be due to my diet. I have a low calorie diet of 1200-1500 daily. I try to exercise daily, and walk at least 10 miles a week. I’m scared to up my calories but I’m not sure. Am I eating enough? What would be a healthy amount? I’m willing to show pics of my body to give a better idea of body type if need be. Should they go up? Should I keep them where they are? What’s a healthy number of calories I can eat a day and still keep losing?

submitted by /u/KariDoesReddit
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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