Sunday, February 9, 2020

Sedentary to dancer, and SO HUNGRY

Once upon a time I was 5'1 and 105 lbs. An injury, an illness, death in the family, and ten years has spit me out the other side at 5'1" and 157lbs. 165 is my highest.

I was 145 most of last year, until I joined a super stressful performance club and somehow got 10 lbs heavier. Enough backstory .

I just joined an intermediate ballet class 4x/week, and my college had a gym membership that my goal is 2hrs/wk at. I've also joined some active classes and have a campus to walk across now.

Since I was super strong and fit ten years ago, I feel like my muscles are responding well to the dance influx, but I'm struggling with food.

I joined Noom in November and have had zero weight loss. There are a lot of things that dont work, like me being on a crazy gf, vegan, and nightshade free diet (because of food intolerances), and because when I do eat prepackaged food, it tends to be highly caloric. I get protein from eggs (allergic to milk and meat, but eggs seems ok), and nuts and beans. I accept that I may need to carry a backpack of tupperware and ice packs with me, to avoid corn (the tiny devil allergy that hides in pretty much any prepackaged food) But my goal has been 1200 calories a day, and Cronometer says my bmr is about 1630, so that should be close to a lb a week. But on dance days they give me a few extra hundred calories and I feel hungry all the time, which is promoting cracker binges.

Should I up my activity level to "lightly active" now that I am running around more days of the week? (I was a tutor before this, and it was a lot of sitting). Should I eat at maintenance and focus on protein, to let my muscles rebuild now that I've thrown myself back into it? I'm lightly hesitant to maintain, because at 160 lbs dancing is much harder (as is just living, at five feet tall) but maybe a few weeks of muscle building will ultimately make me hate life less?

I'm slowly working cardio in with dance, acting classes, and the gym. It's harder to do stuff at home, but am down to add some more bwf into my routine.

Just exasperated right now. I'm getting very little help from the Noom app, and going over my calorie budget so consistently is making me feel like a failure, though I know my body is trying to figure out how to get energy and fuel for my new routine, so hunger is happening.

My game plan is to reduce added sugars, and try to have some prepackaged snacks (as in pre packing them myself, like carrots and hummus or an egg and granola, or something) for midnight snack binges. But I'm so tired of being this heavy, and even before the dance class was added I was getting very little progress. Halp.

submitted by /u/Aeyrien
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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