Thursday, February 13, 2020

Set weekly calorie goals rather than Daily Goals!

Hello /r/loseit! I have been working on my weight loss journey for a couple months now and have lost 25 lbs. I wanted to make sure my caloric deficit and eventual maintenance would be sustainable, and I knew I would not be able to live without the occasional slice of pizza, or delicious burger! However, it is very difficult to have these foods on a strict 1500 calorie diet, and I believe unplanned cheat days are a recipe for disaster for most people on a weight lose journey (especially at the beginning). However, you can build in higher calorie days into a consistent reliable schedule if you count your calories as a weekly average!

I have a TDEE of approximately 2200 calories and have been lifting weights 6 days a week on a PPL program. I do not calculate calories burned into my deficit because I find that to be unreliable and not counting them is a safety net for any calories I might underestimate. My plan is a pretty straight forward concept but I will outline in below.

My overall goal is to lose around 1 lb. per week which equates to around 3500 calories. In order to reach this goal I need to run a 500 calorie deficit per day.

/r/1500isplenty and /r/1200isplenty are great for helping here!

MON: 1500

TUES: 1500

WED: 1500

THUR: 1500

FRI: 1500

SAT: 1500 (up to this point I have achieved a 4200 deficit and I am 700 calories ahead of my goal)

SUN: 2900

I like to call my Sunday a refeed day rather than a cheat day because I am not cheating it is exactly according to my plan! The higher calorie total allows me to have one big meal where I can allow myself to indulge in a craving I had during the week. A few things I have eaten in the past few weeks while still consistently losing weight include... A Fuddruckers Burger and Fries with Cheese sauce (1560 cals), Melting Pot fondue 4 courses with chocolate fondue desert (1890 calories), and Popeyes 4 peice meal with 2 sides (1500 calories).

There are a number of benefits to this plan.

1) It is sustainable, you are not fully cutting out foods you like, but planning on when you can have them in a structured way to encourage moderation.

2) It removes the regret and self loathing that cheat days can incur. You are controlling every part of your diet. You are not eating bad food because you snapped under the pressure of a strict routine.

3) It gives a small reward at the end of the week to look forward to and you can have fun deciding what you really, REALLY want to have. This is will allow you to reset and be fully prepared for the week ahead!

submitted by /u/Collin14
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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