Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Starting over - new goals, new plans, no more binge eating, no more yo-yo dieting - I want to be happy ONCE AND FOR ALL

Age/sex: 28 Female

Height: 5'7"

Start Weight: 156

Current Weight: 156

Goal Weight: 126

I have binged and yo-yo dieted for the last 7 years. Before that, I was very thin, had abs, ate whatever I wanted. I was one of those people everyone would always get mad at because my diet consisted of hot cheetos, cheeseburgers, taco bell, and Chinese takeout but I wouldn't gain any weight. This quickly ended when I was 21 years old. I have always had a really small frame ("ectomorph") for my height and I mostly gain all of my weight on my stomach and "muffin tops" while my arms, boobs, legs, and butt stay scrawny. So I begun wearing over sized sweater and shirts to hide my "problem area." This only made things worse, I didn't try to fix the problem, I just covered it up and gained more.

Now I have gotten to the point to where my torso holds almost ALL of the 30 lbs I have gained but my legs and upper arms/shoulders have also packed on weight. When I first gained all of this weight, the first time I tried to diet was AWFUL. I had no idea what I was doing so I started eating 800 calories per day (this was in 2013). Needless to say, this blew up in my face and was the beginning of my issue with binge eating. After that diet I could not stop binging. Since then, I have tried weight loss in a healthier way over the last 6 years. Every year I start in January and I get REALLY close to my goal weight in July. After July, I start binging again and gain everything back by November + some. It's a cycle that happens every year and I am tired of it.


I started in January, took my before-and-after photos, recorded my weight, etc. I decided to not put too much pressure on myself and just weight myself once per month. My calorie intake was 1600. On Feb 1, I weighed myself and had gained 1 lbs. This is when I decided I will eat 1450 cal/day and weigh myself every two weeks. To keep myself accountable. I felt like I was starting to cheat myself a bit in January.

I was vegan for 4 years and have transitioned to being vegetarian for the last year. I have recently discovered that my iron levels are veryyyy low. I have had an addiction to eating ice for the last year. So much so that I was ordering multiple iced lattes and iced coffees per day just so I could chew the ice.

As far as exercise goes... I hate it. However, I do love to hike, walk, and cycle. So I decided that I will make sure to hike and cycle at least twice a week and walk at least 2 other days a week. This is something I have been keeping up on since January. I also have a gym in my apartment complex so I need to push myself to go in there at least 1-2 times per week. Just need to find the motivation :/

So my new goals are to stop eating ice, get more iron, be more active, and stick to CICO.

I have problems with depression, anxiety, and trauma so I actually started seeing a therapist last week. Hopefully this helps with some underlying issues and keeps me motivated.

submitted by /u/Actual_Albatross
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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