Sunday, February 9, 2020

Why can’t I keep with it? Cycle of disappointment.

I’m 30 years old and since the age of 12 I have been Chunky, Big boned, overweight, shaped liked a bowling pin. F.A.T Fat. Over the last 10 or so years I have on and off had mini realizations and have amassed a lot of knowledge about working out and losing weight. I have had personal trainers and gym memberships at 3 or 4 different places. I work 55-60 hours a week and have been very focused on my career over the course of the last 10 years I have pushed my self to be better at work developed my skills to be a better leader and drive results in my profession. I’m on the verge of a promotion and am very happy professionally where I am. I also have an amazing girlfriend who supports everything I do and challenges me to do what makes me happy and I love her. But I’ve always battled with my under Demon when it comes to my body. I would always peak at 260 then focus on weight loss and get down to about 225. One venture I was down to 212 with the heavy focus of getting under 200lbs as my goal. I went from 212 and blasted back up to 273 then smacked myself and focused for a few more months only to yo-yo over the last 10 years. Every time is going to be the time I do it and make it last. Everytime is better then the last until it isn’t. I can cook, I can workout, I can stop playing video games that consume my life such as Warcraft and play less time consuming ones. I can listen to podcasts and watch YouTube videos but what I can’t do is control myself. It’s like a switch is flipped and I go from ultra caring and tracking my calories/weight to not caring overnight. I spiral and eat my stress and emotions. I have yet to find a way to consistently keep myself in check. I enjoy snowboarding and am about to go on a trip to slide down them slopes and have some fun! I’m not where I want to be physically and I definitely feel the effects on my body. I want to be healthy and able to do the things I want to the best of my ability. However I can’t figure out how to not fall off the wagon. I fail myself every time.

I’m currently 5’9” 287lbs the heaviest I have ever been. And I feel like it snuck up on me because I was in a video game,work stressed, emotional eating haze.

This stops today.

I can’t continue to yo yo like this. I have to prove to myself that I can maintain a healthy body but do the things I enjoy. I have to be under 200lbs for myself.

Any tips and tricks would be greatly appreciated. I believe this is the first time I’ve legitimately posted on this sub.

Please share your success stories and how you’ve overcome this type of situation. I’d really like to know.

submitted by /u/myherodva
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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